Page 118 of A Game as Old as Time

I see it.

“We got this!” Ty had skipped away, shouting it over and over. “They ain’t no different than us!”

Andy, on the back bench, began shouting it now, too. A surge of cheers echoed from the cheerleaders and the student section.


The stadium was in a frenzy, and as Gunner joined his teammates, he got a thumbs-up from Peyton, who was immersed in the frantic celebration.

They are no different than us.

“For the first time all season, the Crusaders of Allegheny Prep have their starters in during the fourth quarter---and for good reason. This game has become a street brawl, hard hit after hard hit, and now, late in the final quarter, the Pioneers have the football. It will be third down on the forty-yard line, with only four minutes to go in this Pennsylvania State Championship. The Pioneers have shown a tremendous amount of heart and determination; however, if they are not able to score on this drive, that may be all she wrote for this game.”

“What do you think?” Gunner glanced over at JT, who was peering across the field.

“I don’t know, G. That dude is tough. I mean, he is an All-American.”

Come on, JT!

Gunner grabbed his friend’s facemask.

“But he isn’t you, JT! And he’s just a football player.”

The noise of the stadium was rising with each passing minute, and it was becoming almost impossible for the entire huddle to hear his play calls.

“Look!” Gunner was shouting so his teammates could hear him. “That safety has been creeping up all night. He wants to end this game and make the big play. If he wants it,” Gunner slapped the shoulder pads of his offensive lineman in front of him, “then let’s make him earn it!”

It took a second, but JT slowly began to smile before he gave a slight nod.

You got this, JT!

“Hey, G!” Ty caught him right as they broke the huddle. “You sure this play is right? You sure you’re going to have enough time with those boys coming at you?”


Gunner shrugged and threw on the best grin he could. The massive lineman across the field dug in.

I really hope so.

“Here we go: Third down for the Pioneers, and Weston calls out the cadence. He takes the snap and is going to drop back to pass! Weston is immediately put under pressure from Bishop. He is going to have to move to his right side. Oh no, it looks likeWeston is…Wow! What a block by Carter to spring Weston free! He’s going to set and look to throw one deep. Weston just gets it off before taking a huge hit from Ricardo Sampson! Jefferson Taylor is running step for step with All-American Riley Davis down the field. It is going to be a foot race to the ball!”

Gunner immediately felt all the air leave his lungs. A shooting pain traveled up the entire left side of his body as he was sandwiched between the ground and the gargantuan man who had just hit him.


He tried to breathe, but his lungs refused to fill with air, his ears ringing loudly.

Deep breath---just try and relax.

Gunner finally rolled over, staring up into a black sky. Due to the blinding pillared lights, he could only see a few faint stars.

“G!” He could hear a voice, but it sounded like it was at the other end of a tunnel. “G!” His body was being picked up, Emilio staring him in the eyes. “Are you OK?”

No, I am not even close to being OK.

Gunner took a short breath, the ringing in his ears replaced with thunderous screams.

“What…what happened?” He could barely get the words out.