Page 110 of A Game as Old as Time

That was all they had done, and even though it took every ounce of strength for Gunner to stop himself, he knew he had to. Maybe in the past, he would have let it happen in that car, in that parking lot. It had been getting dark, and the crowd had been dispersing.

But Hailey deserves perfection.

She was special, and if these mixed-up feelings inside his stomach were what he thought they were, then he was going to make sure he took it slow.

But not too slow.

“Gunner.” His coach started to make his way to the rear, steadying himself as the bus hit a bump. “Gunner, when we get to the stadium, I want you to get with the trainer immediately.”


The eyes of his friends jumped to him.

“Start stretching it out, and let me---”

“Coach,” Gunner interrupted, “I’m fine. I’ll get it stretched out and be on the field for the walkthrough.”

He adjusted the sling, the tightness bringing an uncomfortable grimace to his face.

“I need you to be honest with me, Gunner. I am not putting you out on that field unless---”

“I got this, Coach.” Gunner stood up, leaning forward so only his coach could hear him. “I have never felt better.”


The two stared at each other in silence, their eyes locked, even when the bus hit another bump.

Maybe I lied a little.

While his body felt fresher than before the season started, this miraculous recovery had nothing to do with his shoulder or football.

“Alright then.” Coach Bianchi nodded. “I’ll see you on the field.”

He started back to the front, spinning to face Gunner one more time with a slight smirk on his face.

What was that?

Gunner sat down, throwing himself against the seat.

“I haven’t seen him smile like that before,” Ty noted, turning to look out the window.

Yeah, me neither.

“Hey, G.” His best friend flexed his arm as if he were preparing to say something extremely important. “We want you to do something tonight.” Emilio and JT were peeping over the seat in front, and Andy was leaning into the aisle. “We want you to walk out on the field with us tonight for the coin toss.”


“What?” He knew what they were asking, but given the circumstances, he was uncomfortable with the request. “Look, guys, we have won every game since I gave up being a captain and---”

“To hell with that superstition shit, G.” Ty slapped the glass window behind him. “We want you out with us. You earned it; you’re the captain.”

Emilio smacked his hands against the back of his seat. “El capitan! Forever, G!”

His friends all nodded enthusiastically, appearing to expect an answer right away.

I don’t…

They had all gone quiet. He was searching for the words, but all he could hear was his father’s voice in his head.