“I guess, Hailey.” He finally looked up to her, his eyes a mix of restlessness and discomfort. “I’m sorry if I’m not myself today.”
I hate this.
She moved a little closer.
“Well, it seems like most of you are not yourselves today. Normally, I have trouble getting a word in, but today!” Again, she tried to lighten the mood. A wave of her arms around the auditorium actually made him smirk a bit.
“I guess,” he shook his head, “it’s just, you know, the game and everything.”
Coach Weston.
She took a deep breath and scanned the boys again, including Gunner, who was now standing, wincing as he stretched his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, it’s a pretty big game, I guess. But I know all of you will do great.” She pressed on his shoulder and stood up.
“Yeah. I guess.” JT paused for a second. “Hey, Hailey,” he said softly, his eyes trying to hold back the angst she saw on his face, “thanks for helping me with all of this. I don’t know where you learned how to sing and dance, but I’ve learned a lot.”
Her heart swelled, and she pursed her lips.
I cannot stand seeing them like this.
A few months ago, she couldn’t have cared less if the football team won or lost a game, but now her heart broke for them. It was not just the game that weighed heavy on them, and she knew that. They loved her father, and her father loved them, but this was about Coach Weston. This game would bring back all the memories they had with him, good and bad.
I know what that is like.
As JT walked away, she strode to the middle of the stage. Mr. Chen had adjusted the ladder and was working on some of the lights at the far end. She caught sight of Emilio and Andy again, both still staring blankly ahead, even as Bridgette tried to walk through a few steps of their dance.
Do something.
She twisted around to JT, who was fidgeting with his fingers by a prop.
“Hey JT!” she shouted so the whole auditorium could hear her. “You want to know where I learned how to sing and dance?”
She twirled on the stage, feeling everyone’s eyes lock onto her.
Strong and proud.
It all started to come back to her. Not the classes or instruction she had received---a voice that had always been in her head when she performed.
“At that school, right? In California?”
“Actually…” She took a second to squeeze her eyelids tight. “My mom taught me almost everything I know.”
Well, everything, really.
She giggled to herself. She flowed through a few steps on her own, twirling around the stage, and when she stopped, she locked eyes withGunner.
“She performed on Broadway, you know?”
Gunner flashed a smile to her, the first one she had seen on his face in days.
“Really?” JT took a few inquisitive steps forward.
“Todd,” she yelled, spinning again, this time bringing her arms close to her chest, “why don’t you see how those lights work?”
He gave a thumbs-up from the corner. She passed Bridgette on her next turn and could feel the entire cast start to fill in around her.