“Absolutely! I can’t wait to see the look on my brother’s face!”

What’s going on?

Hailey took a step closer as Juliana jumped into his car.

“Hey, Hailey.”

Just hearing her name come out of his mouth raised the hair on her arms.

Pull yourself together.

“Hi.” It came out much softer than she would have liked. “What’s going on? What are you going to tell your brother, Juliana?”

She was struggling to fight off a new tug that had entered her chest.

“We’re going to Tony D’s for a little after-game celebration.” Her friend snickered and punched Gunner in the shoulder. “To recruit.”

“Recruit?” Hailey came even closer.

“Just a little something Juelz thought of.”

Gunner leaned out the window, and his face was illuminated by the parking lot’s lights.

Oh, wow, he is gorgeous.

“Want to come?” His central Pennsylvania accent made her think more words were following, leading to a short, awkward silence.

“Oh, sorry, I can’t.”

He nodded, but his smile lingered.

“I understand. Last minute, but maybe next time?”

Her cheeks were starting to burn.

“I just---I have to get home to my dad and---”

He put his hand up and chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take a raincheck. Just rest up for practice on Monday.”


He leaned over to speak to Juliana, and that new tug strengthened.

What is going on with me?

She realized she was feeling a jolt of jealousy, and she could not control it. She knew those two were just friends. Juliana had been very vocal about her relationship with Andy Green. This seemed to be known byeveryone except her brother; Hailey was fairly sure he would kill Andy if he found out. But as she glanced into the car again, she could not help but wish she were the one in the passenger seat.

This is not good.

Just a few days ago, she was cursing his name, and now she wanted to be in the car next to him. The butterflies were back.

“And if you’re not busy, you should stop by tomorrow for the fundraiser.” His smirk widened as he shifted the car into drive. “It should be fun.”

He started to roll up the window, a more playful tone entering into his voice.

“Plus.” He stopped the window. “I think everyone would love to meet the girl who’s going to be the lead.”