“Before you go, I spoke with Principal Davis this morning.”


He tried to avoid eye contact with his teacher.

“I know you want out of stage crew this year.” Gunner was jutting his lower jaw out, trying to hide his frustration. “You know you need to do a club or after-school activity. It is required by the school and---”

“I play football. That’s my after-school activity.”

What the hell is wrong with me!?

Her soft blue eyes widened; a splash of disappointment spread across her face in an instant.

“You know that does not count toward an activity, Gunner. And with you leaving, all the other football players have applied for other clubs.”

His face was getting hot. The bags in his hands were getting heavier by the second.

“Yeah well, with everything going on, I just don’t feel like I can do it again this year.” He took another look at her: The disappointment still painted her face as she ran her hands through her dirty blonde hair. “I know my dad wanted the team to support the musical and stage crew, but I just can’t this year.” He pulled away, quickly shuffling to the door. “I’ll talk to Principal Davis tomorrow and see what he says.”

His feet were picking up speed as he threw the door open.


He ignored Ms. Summers’ call as the door slammed shut behind him.

Why me? Why the hell does she need me to do---

“Oh shit!” Gunner shouted as he practically ran through a girl who was coming down the sidewalk. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching…” His voice trailed off when he realized that it was Hailey standing in front of him, her arms spread out in shock.

It’s her.

“Hailey...” His voice cracked as he tried to gather himself. “I’m so sorry. I was just in a hurry, and I, I should have been more careful. Are you OK?”

She nodded at him but didn’t meet his eyes.

Crack a joke, or tell her she looks nice.

He opened his mouth, but she hurried around him before he could mutter another word.

“Good to see you, Gunner. Have a nice night.”

She threw open the door to the pizza parlor. He heard the front counter’s ringing bell before the door slammed shut behind her.


He almost killed me.

Hailey practically sprinted to the pizza parlor’s cash register. A small line at the front caused her to abruptly halt and, finally, take another breath.

Why do I keep running into him?

She was analyzing her fingernails as she waited for the other customer to get her food. The fact that this football player was eating up so much of her thoughts made her want to stomp her foot.

Sure, he was cute. His bright green eyes, his sleek, dark brown hair, hadmade her hesitate for a second at last weekend’s party. However, he was the quarterback of the football team, and Juliana had told her everything she needed to know about him and his cheerleader girlfriend.

Typical football player.

After only a few days of school, she was already sick of hearing about Gunner Weston and his football team. She hated the sport, and she hated that her father had gotten back into coaching. Football had ruined their family two years ago, and she was convinced when they left California that they were finally done with it.