Page 131 of From You to Me

He swallowed visibly as a serious look crept over his eyes. “I used to say that all the time.”

“What?” I mumbled.

“That I loved you more. But it’s not true, is it?”

“I don’t understand.”

“I loved you loudly, for the world to see. I said big things, showed you off, and I always thought I loved you more.” A slightsmile curved his lips. “But you loved me in the quiet and suffered in silence while your entire world fell apart. Your love screamed through solemn walls, Evelyn. It screamed more than my love ever could.”

A tiny drop of tear hung on the edge of my lashes. “You’re going to make me cry.” My voice turned thick with emotion.

“I thought you were already crying.” He caught the tear with his fingertip, pulling me to his chest as he lay flat on the ground.

I sprawled over him, hugging him tight. “I love you.” I pressed soft kisses along his jawline.

“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He tightened his arms around me.

“I’m still mad at you, though, and I still haven’t forgiven you,” I mumbled, fixing my gaze with his. “Oh, and I’m still going to say no to you.”

His chest thundered with a laugh. “Okay.” In a quick turn, he folded us over. My breathing almost got knocked out of me as my back landed on the floor.

“Now I plan to keep my promise.” A wicked grin slithered over his lips.

Heat bloomed over my pre-flushed cheeks. “Promises, promises,” I muttered, and the second I did I knew I was in deep trouble.

Because if Jay was good at one thing, it was keeping his promises.


“Morning, sleepyhead or should I say afternoon, but it’s more like evening now?” A shirtless Jay stood over the kitchen counter, tossing something in the skillet that smelled incredible.

It was around three in the afternoon.

The muscles and the bones in my body were well spent.

And I sported a limp, both from my fucked-up knee and the soreness between my thighs.

Because goddamn did he keep his promise last night.

I think I bit off more than I could chew, asking him to fuck me all night.

He delivered right till the morning when we made love as the sun rose before my body gave up.

And I loved every second of it. I had to suppress the smile waiting to spill out of my lips as I tried so hard to appear nonchalant.

“Afternoon,” I mumbled, darting straight to the coffee machine.

A tinge of shyness lingered there. I couldn’t believe we did all that. And I wasn’t even drunk to blame it on something.

His eyes followed me, darkening as they took me in. “I like you wearing my hoodie.”

The flush painting my cheeks deepened. “I was wearing it last night,” I said, quietly as I returned my attention to the coffee filling up my cup.

“Someone is shy this morning. Like you wouldn’t believe after all the things that came out of her mouth last night.”

I slapped my hand over his grinning mouth. “Shut up,” I hissed.

He shrugged. “It’s the truth,” he mumbled against my palm.