Page 121 of From You to Me

I wasn’t busy at all.

Jay–Fine, when does Her Highness have some spare time for a lowly rock star?

A laugh burst out of my lips.

Evy–Turns out she actually has some time to spare tomorrow.

Jay–So seven tomorrow, my lady?


Damn. Here we go again.

I hoped this time it wouldn’t end up being a disaster.

I ached for those serene happy days that I would spend with him earlier in our relationship.

I could only wish this time luck would stroke my side.

“Hey.” Jay pulled me into a tight hug.

“Hi,” I mumbled against his soft hoodie.

Tyler had picked me up and dropped me off at Blueline letting me know that Jay was waiting for me at his apartment.

I thought we would be going out somewhere, but I didn’t realize we would be having dinner at his place.

“You ready?” he asked as he kissed my cheek, lacing his fingers with my own.

“Yes, I think so.” I frowned, confused by his question.

A smirk sneaked his way up his lips as he led me outside.

“We are going somewhere else?” I asked as he dragged me behind him. I watched him open the small door at the end of the hallway.

“Where are we going?” I questioned as he sauntered up a narrow stairway.

“Patience,” he muttered, the smirk still dancing on his face.

He knew very well that I was the most impatient person ever.

A freezing wind gusted across my face as he opened the door that led to the rooftop. Though spring had set in NYC, the cold from the winter remained. I was grateful I wore a thick sweater and my comfy pair of jeans.

He walked me to a firepit set in the corner surrounded by plush floor cushions.

“I thought we’d give a nod to our first date.” He gestured for me to sit down. “No stars this time. Though I hope this will do.” He pointed at the twinkling lights of the NYC skyline.

“It’s perfect,” I whispered, sinking into the softness.

I smiled as he draped a warm blanket over us.

He poured me a glass of wine while we nibbled on some cheese cubes.

“How was your week?” he asked softly as he slid his arms over me.

“Better than it could be, I guess. Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with people like Amelie anymore or run around in the subway with my fucked-up knee, but I do miss little Theo. Work has been going great. The people there are amazing, and I’ve been hitting the submit button a lot more than I should. Strawberry has been a naughty girl, running around everywhere. She nearly toppled my bookshelf yesterday.” I shook my head. “Oh, and lately I’ve been on the hunt for the best pretzels in town, but no luck so far. Buttered cinnamon sugar is still my favorite.”

He chuckled, pulling me closer to him. “Have you tried cream cheese with jalapeños?”