Page 59 of Parker

With Quinn Morgan.

Laughing out loud, I’d headed to my bedroom, changed into my pajamas and dreamed extremely dirty dreams about Quinn all night long.

This morning, as I head downstairs to the final day of the convention, I feel…happy. I feel like I’m glowing. I feel a rush that sluices through the same vein as a crush, an infatuation, and—I think, maybe—falling in love.

And while, yes, I’ve dated several men during my twenty-two years on this earth, I’ve never been in love. It’s totally new to me, and with someone I’d never imaginedliking, letting alone loving.

I wonder, as I step off the elevator and walk with the crowd of vendors toward the convention hall, if Quinn’s ever been in love with anyone else or only with me. The thought of him loving me, and only me, since we were children, is so unbearably romantic, it makes me sigh aloud…something that Skylar Jones, whom I hadn’t noticed next to me, doesn’t miss.

“Doesn’tsomeonelook happy today?” she says in a sing-song, taunting voice.

Surprised to find her walking lock step beside me, my smile instantly fades. “Is happiness a crime?”

“No,” she says lightly, then adds, “Quinn Morgan must be a damn good fuck. Sorta figured he would be.”

Now, let’s be so serious here. I swear. I drink. I’m not a virgin, and I’m no prude. But Skylar Jones is a dirty-mouthed cunt who needs to mind her own business, and that’s a fact.

“Shut your mouth, Skylar.”

“You gonna make me?” she asks.

“If I have to,” I say. I’m bigger, stronger, and younger than Skylar, so I assume I’d win in a fight. That said, I’ve never hit another woman, and I don’t love the idea of starting now. “But I’d prefer it if you just walked away.”

“You know,” she says, “it’s weird. Because a couple days ago, when I had lunch with Quinn, he said he was friends with your brother, who’d be pissed if he ever made a move on you, but that making a move would never happen because you hated his guts.”

“You don’t know me,” I tell her. “Or him.”

“I know what he said.”

“Maybe he lied.”

“Maybe he’snotfriends with your brother?”

“No. He is.”

“And maybe your brother would just love seeing the two of you together?”

I stop walking, face her, and cross my arms over my chest. Sawyer probably wouldn’t love it, but I’m not telling Skylar that.

“Because you clearly don’t hate his guts,” she finishes, mirroring my stance.

“You’re a shit-stirrer and a nosy bitch who needs to back off.”

“And you’re another goody-two-shoes, holier-than-thou Stewart who thinks her shit doesn’t stink.” Skylar takes a step toward me, getting into my space. “You think you’re so much fucking better than me?”

“Yeah,” I say, smiling at her. A laugh follows. “Way better.”

Realizing we’re at her table, I leave her there, calling insults at my back, and continue to my own station like I haven’t a care in the world. I’mnotletting Skylar Jones get under my skin.Not today, Satan.

I take the tablecloth off my table that covers my brochures and giveaways, and neaten everything for today’s new wave of travel agents.

“Hey, Park.”

I look up to find Quinn standing at my table. I can’t help my smile. I feel it bloom all on its own, and I do nothing to stop it.

“Hey, Quinn.”

He grins at me. “Thanks for last night. I had a great time.”