Page 41 of Parker

She slows down, stopping in front of my table. “What?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to smirk at her and ask,How was lunch?but I tell myself not to tease her. Maybe, someday, if we get to a good place, there’ll be a time and place for gentle teasing. But not right now.

“Ever been to the aquarium at the Mandalay Bay Hotel?”

Her face, which had been tense, relaxes. Her lips quirk up just a touch. “No, actually. It’s one of the few places in Vegas still on my list. Last time I tried to go, it was closed for a private event.”

“I think we’re done at four today, and the last entry at the aquarium is at seven. I thought I’d go. Want to come with me?”

She stares at me, her big blue eyes scanning my face carefully, like she’s looking for the twist or the trick or the catch. I keep my expression friendly, open and relaxed, letting her take her time as she decides whether or not she can trust my invitation.

She overthinks everything, so be patient.

Finally, her shoulders bunch up in a little shrug, and she nods her head. “Sure. Why not?”

“Wait. What?” I chuckle. I’m so surprised,I fucking chuckle.

Her eyebrows furrow. “Did you want me to say no?”

“No!” I cry, smiling at her. “I’m just…I’m just surprised you said yes.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asks, but she’s blushing a little. “I’ve wanted to go check it out. I may as well go with you.”

“Awesome,” I say. “It’s a date.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Oh. Okay. It’s not?”

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “It’s just two people going to the same place at the same time.”

I’m about to volley back,Didn’t you just describe a date?But I remind myself,Don’t move too fast, or you’ll just piss her off.Make her comfortable.

“Yeah. Sure,” I say. “Just a field trip.”

“A field trip,” she says, relaxing again. “Exactly.”

As the doors open, welcoming the afternoon session of travel professionals, Parker’s eyes slide to the left. I follow them to see Rick Jones walking down our aisle toward us. As he gets closer, I note a red circle, approximately the size of Parker’s balled-up fist, around his right eye.

“Gotta go,” she says, her nostrils flaring with sudden displeasure. “But I’ll come to your room at five, and we can grab a cab to the Mandalay.”

“Sounds good,” I call to her back, watching as she continues to her table without sparing another look at her erstwhile lunch date.

Rick stops between Skylar’s and my tables, looking over at me first.

“Your ex is a total bitch!” he says, jabbing a finger at his bloodshot, swollen eye. “She did this!”

For the most part, she can take care of herself.

“Don’t ever call her a bitch again,” I say, crossing my arms over my muscular chest, “or your left eye will match your right.”

“Fuck you, Morgan.”

“Fuckyou, Jones,” I answer back. “You just got slugged by agirl…and I’m guessing you deserved it.”

I’m glad I don’t know the reason she hit him. If I did, my threat to give him another black eye would surely become reality. If whatever he did was bad enough for her to hit him, I know her brothers would’ve pounded him.

“You know what?” he says. “She’s all yours. You two deserve each other.”