“Seventeen years ago this January,” says my aunt. “It was an honor to know her. She was smart and funny, well-educated and well-traveled. Clever, but gentle. Strong. Athletic. Interesting. She chugged a beer faster than any man I ever saw. She was a great reader, too. The best book club meetings I ever attended at the library were organized by her.” She gives me a grim look. “And her family meanteverythingto her, Ivy.Everything.I don’t know how much you know about Sawyer’s parents, but it went like this. Emily came up for a summer job, met and married Garrison, a Skagway townie, had six beautiful kids with him, and never left.” She tilts her head to the side. “The life she found here was more than enough for her. If it’s not enough for you, maybe leave her son alone.”
She’s being so dramatic. I must have hurt her feelings when I inadvertently insulted Skagway.
I can say with ninety-nine percent certainty that Sawyer Stewart would say the same things about me that I’m saying about him. I can hear it now in his low, sexy voice:Ivy Caswell? Awesome girl. She’s cute and fun, and fine for a summer fling, but when I’m ready to fall in love, I’ll find a nice local girl, get serious, and settle down.
Hedoesn’tlove me. Hedoesn’t.My aunt’s wrong. I know it in my bones. We’re summer friends-with-light-benefits, and neither of us has a problem with it.
That said, I feel really uncomfortable with the way my aunt is looking at me and want to assure her that everything’s going to be okay.
“Aunt P., I hear your words,” I say, placing a container of shower gel next to the razor before standing up to hug my aunt goodbye. “But you worry about me too much. When it comes to me and Sawyer Stewart, no one’s got strong feelings and no one’s going to end up getting hurt. I promise.”
Chapter 4
My first rehearsal forWuthering Heightsis on Tuesday.
I pick up McKenna and Reeve in front of the lodge, and they jump onto the bench seat in the truck beside me. As we leave the campground behind, Reeve opens her rehearsal binder and sighs loudly.
“Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday until the week before Christmas? McKenna, this schedule is bananas.”
“First of all, no, it’s not. Three rehearsals a week is standard for community theater. Just wait until the week before the show, Reeve! We’ll be in the theatereverynight! And second of all, it’s the off-season. What else are you doing?” My sister-in-law gives my little sister a look. “Nada. That’s what.”
“I’m used to having free time.”
“Free time’s overrated,” says McKenna.
“Reading by a fireisn’toverrated,” mutters Reeve.
“Won’t Tanner miss you?” I ask McKenna.
“I guess,” she says, then winks at me. “But he’s awfully glad when I come home.”
“Ohmigod, gross!” Reeve makes a retching sound. “He’s our brother!”
McKenna chuckles at her revulsion, then turns back to me. “What do you think, Heathcliff? Too many rehearsals?”
“I’ve never been in a play before,” I answer honestly. “I guess this is what you need to do to make it happen.”
“How do you feel about starring with Ivy?” asks Reeve, leaning over McKenna.
“Don’t start,” I warn her. “I’m not in the mood for teasing.”
“No,” she says. “I’m not teasing, I promise. Are you okay with it?”
Remember how I healed my bruised heart with lots of whiskey after Ivy left the summer before last? Well, my family sure got an earful about how much she’d hurt me. I guess Reeve has a right to wonder.
I glance at McKenna, in whom I confided last week. She knows exactly how confused I feel about Ivy, but she doesn’t betray me. She stares straight ahead without saying a word and I’m grateful to her. She’s a good secret keeper.
“It’s fine, Reeve. I’m okay with it,” I say.
“I think she’s shallow and a total snob,” my sister says. “She’s only dating that guy from Juneau for, like, status.” She makes her fingers into air quotes. “The coal titan’s daughter and the lieutenant governor’s son. Yuck. Puke. I hear he’s a jerk.”
“How do you know that?” I ask.
“Do youevergo on TikTok?Everyoneat UAF knows that,” says Reeve. “He cheated on her with some bimbo named Mandee. It’s common knowledge. And in my opinion, she’s weak for going back to him. Don’t be a doormat. Like, grow a spine already.”
I know all about Clark cheating on Ivy, which accounted for my surprise and disappointment when Ivy returned in May with his ring on her finger.