I try to ignore the fierce pounding of my heart. I have to hold myself back from reaching for her, from falling to my knees and begging her not to take away the ten days we still have left.
“So, um, when we were in Skagway,” she says, “I asked McKenna to see if she could find me, like, um, a job for July and August. And anyway, well, she found me something at a jewelry store…or maybe it’s an art gallery? I don’t know. I just know they need a cashier for July and August, and she just texted me to ask if I wanted the job.”
Wait. What?I stare at her, gape mouthed. I was so sure she was going to—
“Don’t freak out! It doesn’t have to mean anything! It’s just a way for me to make some summer money,” she says, two spots of pink appearing on her cheeks. “Seriously. I don’t—I mean, I don’t have any expectations. I promise.” Her eyebrows crease, and she bites her bottom lip nervously. “Hunter? Say something. Please.”
I’m so surprised by this turn of events, I scan her face to be sure I’m understanding exactly what she’s saying.
“You’re planning to spend the rest of the summer in Skagway? After the race?”
“I mean…” She blinks, reaching for her champagne and finishing the rest of it in one gulp. “I don’thaveto. I was thinking about it…but if you don’t want—”
“I want!” I blurt out.Calm down. I lower my voice to a soft growl. “I fuckingwant, Bella.”
“You do?” she asks, her face registering relief. “Oh. Okay. Phew.” She giggles softly, her posture relaxing. “You scared me for a minute. I thought maybe…”
I scoot closer to her on the couch, reaching up to cup her cheek. “Baby, there is—literally—no scenario in which I wantlesstime with you.”
She leans forward, pressing her lips to mine, and—holy shit—this feeling inside and the way it cascades through me…this blindness, this rawness, this tenderness…it comes and goes from her, with her, at her command and by her leave, and it feels so much like a rush of love, it makes me close my eyes and reach for her, lifting her roughly onto my lap as our kiss deepens. I wrap my arms around her, and she straddles me, her knees digging into the couch on either side of my thighs. I feel my cock swell and harden beneath her. I want her. I need to be inside of her. Now.
Sliding my hands under her ass, I stand up with her tongue still in my mouth, her legs wrapped around my waist and her ankles locked at the base of my back. I walk us to the bed in three or four strides, lying Bella on her back and leaning away to pull off her socks, jeans, and panties. With her pussy so exposed, my mouth waters. It’s been too long since I tasted her.
I kneel at the foot of the bed and pull the Y of her body to my face. Draping her legs over my shoulders, I spread her lips with my thumbs and lean forward, my tongue lapping her clit in one long, smooth stroke.
“Hu-Hunter!” she cries, her knees tightening over my shoulders.
As I feast on her sweet, soft skin, I feel her orgasm building. Her head thrashes against the bed, her fingers fist in the duvet, and her heels press into my back. With a scream of surrender, she comes against my mouth in waves of pleasure, her cunt dripping slippery cum onto my mouth and chin.
As she rides out her orgasms, I pull off my shorts and boxers, stand at the foot of the bed, lift her hips, and slide inside of her hot, wet pussy.
Her eyes open, locking with mine, and she smiles at me.
“I love…this,” she moans, closing her eyes again. “Fuck me, Hunter.”
My only goal to satisfy her again, I find a quick rhythm, plunging deeply into her love channel, then withdrawing just as slowly. My cock massages every tiny fold, every silky surface inside of her. Over and over again, pumping faster and faster, until I find my own relief, crying out in pleasure as my cock throbs relentlessly inside of her.
I pull away from her gently, crawling up on the bed to join her. We’re sweaty and panting as we face each other, our heads on the plush hotel pillows, our eyes dreamy and smiles drunken. She drapes her arm over my waist, and I throw mine across her hip. We have a huge bed to share, but we’re using it just as we did the little twin on the ship, lying chest to chest, heart to heart, as close as possible. I grab the duvet from behind me, and pull it over us, cocooning us together.
She leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose.
“You’re good at eating pussy.”
I bellow with laughter.
“What?” she asks, giggling with me as she blushes. “It’s true! It’s a compliment!”
“I’ll take it,” I tell her. “Thanks.”
“Oh, no. Thankyou,” she says, taking a deep breath that presses her breasts against my chest. Her voice gets a little moreserious. “Hey…you sure you don’t mind? Me spending the rest of the summer in Skagway?”
“Mind?” I ask. “You’re in doubt…after that?”
Her shoulders shrug. “I just want to be sure.”
It occurs to me that our initial agreement only lasts until the end of the race, though. We haven’t talked about what happens with us when we return to Skagway together.
“Can we…I mean, I’d like to keep thisgoing for the rest of the summer,” I tell her. I don’t want to ask too much of her, but I don’t know how I’d bear to see her all summer long and not be intimate with her. It would hurt too much.