Page 73 of The Grump

And yet they didn’t have one for Avery, which made me even more suspicious. But I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Thanks so much.”

“All the hard work you do over the holidays—well, all year long, really—we just wanted to make sure you knew how special you are.”

“Thank you. I’ll cherish this.”

I felt like something was up for sure. In order to stop my suspicious mind, I looked around the shop. It had such a fantastic feel to it. Almost supernatural, like if an otherworldly creature popped up in a corner, it would simply belong here. The floor-to-ceiling shelves were filled with small bottles and crystals. I understood why they liked spending their whole day here. It felt like a safe place.

“By the way,” Celine said, “how has Xander been treating you and Avery?”

I instantly spun around, feeling like I was at school and the teacher just caught me cheating on my exam.

“He’s... He's been c-civil.” Great, now I was stammering.

Celine looked at me intently. Isabeau was a bit stone-faced, which was unlike her. I had the eerie feeling that she was trying very hard to keep a poker face.

“So, he’s not being too hard on you or too demanding?” Celine went on.

“No. Not at all.”

“We’ve heard rumors that he’s been showing up in quite a few places where you’re making deliveries,” Isabeau said. She’d never sounded stranger than now. I’d definitely been right in my assumptions.

“I think that’s a good thing. Gives him a chance to see that charities count on us and that we make people happy. Maybe it’ll soften him up.”

“Hmm,” Isabeau said. “If he does give you grief, let us know.”

“Really? What will you do?”

“Sort everything out, of course,” Celine replied.

Now it was my turn to fight to keep a straight face. These two were a force to be reckoned with. But so was Xander. I knew Isabeau could single-handedly order half the French Quarter around to do her bidding, but not him.

“It’s been great seeing you two. Thank you again for the perfume.”

“Thank you for the pralines,” Isabeau said.

I had an inkling that they’d just been a ruse to get me here, but why? For the perfume? That seemed strange, even for them. But I knew just where I was going to wear this exclusive perfume the first time: at the LUNA Ball with Xander.

Chapter Twenty-One


On Friday evening, I was over the moon. I kept looking at myself in the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door. I was very happy with my outfit. My dress was black with gold accents running off in waves all around the fabric. If I twirled, it shimmered nicely. I’d pair it with gold shoes, of course, and I was going to wear my favorite coat again. It was elegant and classy and complemented everything.

I’d used a straightener on my hair, and Lee Stafford Heat Protection Shine Mist. It was my absolute favorite hair product, and it gave my thick hair a very glamorous shimmer. I was so ready for this evening. My makeup was a little more extravagant than usual, with smoky eyes—heavy on the mascara. My lips were nude, though, not just because I didn’t want to overdo it but because I foresaw the opportunity for kissing and didn’t want to let my lipstick get in the way. And my ultimate accessory? The perfume from Isabeau and Celine. I applied some on my wrists, behind my ears, and—because I felt extra naughty—between my breasts.

I shimmied, looking at myself in the mirror. I was so ready. This was shaping up to be one of the best Christmas seasons.

Xander was picking me up, and I was a bit more nervous than last time. I still wasn’t sure if I should’ve told Celine and Isabeau that he and I were seeing each other, but it felt like it wasn’t my place. Xander should have that conversation with his grandmothers.

When the doorbell rang, I yelled, “It’s open,” but nothing happened.

Oh crap. He probably can’t hear me from the other side of the door and past my carols.

I was laughing at myself as I hurried to the door and opened it with a grin. “Come in. Actually, you know what? You don’t even have to. I’m ready.”

He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You look stunning.”