Page 12 of The Grump

“Good evening.”

“Are you here for dinner?”

“No.” The guy’s shoulders slumped, relief obvious on his face. “The pralines are being delivered today, right?” I asked.

“Yes. They’re already here, in the kitchen.”

“Thanks. I’ll go directly there.”

It would be a madhouse at this hour. But even though I didn’t like chaos, I had fond memories of the restaurant’s kitchen and the hustle and bustle involved. My grandmothers had put their hearts and souls into this business. As a kid, I was often here with them, and they gave me easy tasks so I couldn’t mess up.

When I stepped inside, I took in the scene for a few seconds without announcing my presence. Scarlett, my brother’s fiancée, was an excellent chef. Not only had she improved the menu, but the kitchen was running far more smoothly than under the two previous chefs. When I found her, she was talking to Bailey.

What’s she doing here?Fucking hell, the woman looked amazing. She was wearing a black dress that was glued to her body. I was going to think about those curves well into the night, I was sure of it.

I took in a deep breath, gathering my wits.For fuck’s sake, Xander, this isn’t the first attractive woman you’ve come across. But something about Bailey completely disarmed me. Her wavy dark hair begged for my hands to comb through it. I walked toward them with determined strides.

“Xander,” Scarlett said, “what a pleasure to see you. I didn’t know you were dropping by.”

“I heard that pralines were being delivered today.”

Scarlett nodded. “Yes. They’re so delicious. You should have one.”

Bailey gave me a small smile. I tried not to look at her mouth for too long.

She pointed to a small package. “Those are for Celine and Isabeau. Which of you is seeing them first?”

“Probably me,” I said.

“Could you give this to them? I made their favorites.”

And just like that, I was disarmed again.

“I will,” I assured her.

Scarlett looked past my shoulder, then cleared her throat. “Thanks a lot for stopping by, Bailey. I need to get back to the team.”

Bailey smiled warmly at her. “Sure. I’ve heard so many good things about you that when our delivery person got sick today, I jumped at the opportunity to meet you.”

Scarlett leaned in, clearly about to say something, but then one of the staff members called her name, and she looked over her shoulder toward the voice. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

“Sure. Don’t worry. Let’s get out of the kitchen,” I suggested to Bailey once Scarlett left, “so we aren’t in anyone’s way.”

“Good thinking,” she said.

I guided her out, putting a hand on her back. She leaned into my touch before straightening up and taking a step to the right, as if determined to put more space between us.

I dropped my hand instantly. I didn’t want to unnerve her, and it was probably for the best. This was business, plain and simple.

There wasn’t much room to stand and talk in the restaurant either. Quite a few people were still waiting to be seated.

“Do you have time to grab a coffee?” I asked her.

She cocked her head in my direction, eyes wide. Why was this so shocking to her?

“Sure, I could do with a hot drink. Although, hot chocolate is my choice of poison at this time of year.”

“Right.” As we walked out of the restaurant, I added, “There’s a good place on Bourbon for hot drinks. It shouldn’t be too crazy tonight.”