I just gasped, unable to comprehend how he’d never been to one after living in the city his whole life.
“It’s festive,” he said. “Will we catch the actual bonfire being lit up?”
I hesitated. “Well, not really. That’s the part I usually miss because the caroling starts roughly around that time.”
“Then what do you usually do when you’re here?”
“I just soak it all up.” I clapped my hands excitedly.
“Then I’ll soak it up with you. Actually, I’m just going to enjoy you.”
“You sweet talker.”
“I try my best.”
He draped his whole body around mine somehow, keeping an arm around my shoulder but also walking slightly behind me. I realized he was trying to shield me from the cold. Oh yeah, a true Southern gentleman.
A band had started to play carols. I looked up at him with a grin. “Carols are allowed on Christmas Eve, right? Even for the Grinch?”
“Bailey,” he growled in my ear.
“Well, I have to be certain.”
“You did get me quite used to the carols.”
“Really? So you listen to them at the office?” I asked as we ventured toward stands with more trinkets.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“My bad. Oh, the air smells like sweetcorn,” I said, catching a whiff on the wind.
“Think you know who’s boiling it?”
“I’m pretty sure. Let’s go hunt it down.”
We moved through the crowds to the tune of “Jingle Bells” being sung with a very cute interpretation. It had far more drums, and the rhythm was more alert.
“Want to dance?” he asked me. I swear, my entire body always lit up when he whispered in my ear.
I looked around and said, “Mm, too crowded.”
“Then I’m going to hold that thought for later tonight.”
Was this man planning sexy shenanigansandcarols? Because I was totally up for it.
I had to ask him because it was niggling in my mind. “Xander?”
“Yeah, babe?”
“Did you pay that girl’s bill at the children’s hospital?” I mean, it was really his business, but I had to know. The hospital mentioned something when I last spoke to them, but they were vague. It was confidential information, of course, but I had my ways of finding out.
“Okay, yes. And a few more on that floor. After speaking with the nurses, I realized how a few of the families were in need, and I wanted to help them out.”
I melted on the spot. To think this man, this thoughtful, caring man, did something like that made my heart soar.