Page 86 of The Grump

It was easy to let my guard down around Bailey. I wanted to impress her at every turn, and that was something totally new for me.

“Hey, would you wait here a second? I wanted to ask the nurses a couple of things.” I wanted to make sure that little girl’s bills were paid for, and I didn’t want Bailey to know the details—just in case things didn’t work out.

“Sure, I’ll head to the main entrance.”

A few minutes later, I caught back up with her as we headed out the door.

“What time do you have to be at your brother’s house?” Bailey asked.

“About half an hour. If we hurry, we can even surprise Bella with beignets. Although, ‘surprise’ is probably the wrong choice of words. If I show my face there without them, I will never be invited again.”

“Can you double-check with him if it’s really okay that I come?” For some insane reason, she sounded apprehensive.

“My brother will have nothing against it,” I assured her, but I texted him anyway.

Chad answered before we even got to the car, and I showed it to her.

Chad: Bella will probably be ecstatic that yet another uncle bit the dust.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bailey inquired as we got in.

“Bella always complained that she wanted more women in the family. Both the grandmothers and my mom more than make up for it, but she’s got a logic of her own.”

“Kids usually do,” she said in a soft voice.

“You really like kids, huh?” I asked as I sped toward Café du Monde.

“Yes. I hope to have three, maybe four.”

“That’s an overwhelming number,” I said earnestly. I mean, I’d always assumed that I’d eventually have a family, but I never actively pursued it or thought about it too closely. But right now, I could see myself and Bailey surrounded by a few kids.

“You have five brothers.”

“Hence why I know it’s overwhelming. Though, I will say, the problem was that all of us were boys. It was a madhouse. Not sure how my parents and grandparents survived it. It took all six of them to keep up with all six of us, and we didn’t even all come at once. Would you want boys and girls?”

I was genuinely interested in her answer.

“Hmm. A mix maybe. I’d definitely teach them how to make pralines, though, and I think girls would more likely love doing that.”

“What exactly is it that you like about the process?”

“It’s soothing. I mix ingredients and know something delicious will come out, and it’ll make people happy. And me as well. Of course, kids have an interesting relationship withsweets. Best to operate with caution before introducing them to pralines too early. But I could imagine them sitting around me at the table at the confectionery. I’d give them small pieces of dough and let them play around with it.”

“You’re a very special soul, Bailey,” I said quietly.

One I was quite attached to.

Chapter Twenty-Four



There wasa lothappening at Café du Monde, but we got our beignets quickly enough.

“Oh, this is such an adorable home,” Bailey said when we arrived at Chad’s. “It’s got so much character.”

“It does,” I said. “Also cracks and a very archaic ventilation and heating system and—”