Page 17 of The Grump

“I call bullshit,” Julian said. “I bet you’re not going to shut down anything.”

“I need you to fill me in now,” Zachary said, joining our group.

“Damn, man. Not one word,” I warned the others. “Just nip this in the bud.”

“Ha ha, you wish,” Beckett interrupted. “That’s not how gossip works. And this is just simply too good.”

“What’s happening?” Zachary asked.

“You know how Xander’s newest obsession is the confectionery business?”

Zachary blinked at me. “I wasn’t even aware that was an actual business. Don’t we give all those pralines away for charity?”

“Well, long story short,” Beckett said, “he’s mellowing out.”

I groaned. “I’m not. And this conversation is getting out of hand.”

Zachary looked at the rest of our brothers, then at me. “If you intended to close it, I’m surprised you haven’t done it already.”

“Yeah, but he likes Bailey far too much,” Beckett added.

“Wait, Bailey. Let me think... Oh yeah! She’s hot. Both of them are, though,” Zachary said.

“Does everyone know the sisters besides me?” I asked.

“Yes,” my brothers answered in unison.

“That’s because we’re always here at the open house event, and you’ve missed it for the past few years,” Zachary explained.

I frowned. “There are too many things happening during the Christmas season. I can’t keep up with everything.”

“So, what’s your plan?” Zachary asked.

“I’ll let the business run as it is over the Christmas season and keep an eye on things.” Why everyone was making such a big deal out of this was beyond me. There was nothing personal about it. Yes, Bailey was hot, but one thing had nothing to do with the other.

“Meaning Bailey,” Beckett said. “Dude, you’re obtuse.”

“What?” I asked.

“You heard me. You’re obtuse.”

“I meant keep an eye on the confectionery.” I sighed. “You’re not going to let me live this down, will you?”

“No chance, and if he does, the rest of us are here to remind you. By the way, thank you for confirming it,” Anthony said triumphantly.

I decided not to take the bait and went back to explaining my plan. “In January, after the dust settles, I’ll decide. But in the meantime, I’ll contact some potential businesses that could be interested in buying off the branch. Just to gauge interest.”

“Smart,” Anthony replied.

“Why, thank you for the compliment,” I told him. “Now, are you all done busting my balls?”

“Hmm,” Zachary said, turning to the others. “We’re on very thin ice here. If we keep giving him shit, he’s going to explode. And that’s going to take all the fun out of it.”

Zachary always had an uncanny feeling about situations. I liked busting my brothers’ balls and could take it in return, but he was on the money with this one.

“Yeah, judging by the look on his face, you’re 100 percent right,” Anthony said.

Beckett glanced around. “When did everyone disappear? And where?”