She settled against him again. “She and Zairn are good people.”
“Yeah, but we don’t tell the media that.”
“Your cousin is an asshole and you don’t tell the media that either.”
“Jet’s waiting for us.” Oh, the temptation. “We can be in the air in twenty minutes.”
“Back to the island?”
“To wherever you want. It’s lady’s choice.”
And of the million opportunities that afforded her, none of them measured up to the first.
“I want to go back to the island,” she murmured, holding him tighter. “But Alessia’s having a good time and I don’t want to ruin—”
“Security will stay with her.”
“It’s not just security. There’s her emotional state, her well-being. For some reason, she and her friends idolize your cousin. If they haven’t seen what happened tonight already, they will, and they’ll make excuses for him.”
“And I thought my family was exhausting.” Again, Roxie’s voice. Her head stayed on Zane, but she rolled it to take in more of her friend. “You two ready to hit the road?”
“Magnus going crazy?” Zane asked.
Roxie lingered over licking her lips. “He makes his own messes.”
“Roman? I know. Never cleans them up himself.”
“We’re having a summit at the hotel. Upstairs. Cars are on their way.”
“The press outside?”
“Oh, you know it.”
“We can jam their signals.”
“Yeah, but we’d have to give them back access eventually,” Roxie said. “It’ll be getting light soon.”
“Won’t be the first all-nighter you’ve pulled, Kyst.”
“Yeah, but Roxie’s nocturnal. She’ll need to get to bed soon.”
“And that seems unlikely if your cousin has any say. Are you ready?”
“Rox, you go along, we’ll make our own way.”
“We’ll join you in a minute,” she said, contradicting her guy.
Without hesitation, Roxie slipped out, leaving them alone.
“Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
Their eyes met. “When you said you want to see where this goes.”