Page 93 of Nothing to Do

“That’s something,” Roxie said, sitting on the bed. She scooted over to give her friend room to put her feet up too. “Rouge is in the clear, Hunt’s it.” Though still on the phone, Zairn’s eyes met Roxie’s. “What? I’m just saying…”

The TV people continued. “…shouting was heard by others in the hotel. Sway Sheridan and her entourage were seen entering the hotel around an hour ago. We haven’t yetseen footage of their arrival, though that will be important in revealing who was with the popular starlet.”

So popular that men were fighting over her. What did Sway think about it? Some women might be flattered, but her, if the situation came to blows, she couldn’t imagine ever putting up with that from a partner.

“Police were called when the suite underneath Roman’s reported shouting and what sounded like furniture being moved or thrown.”


“Hotel staff attempted to gain entry and were prevented from doing so.”

“How could the hotel be prevented?” she asked. “Don’t they have keys for every room?”

Roxie seemed to agree. “Logan, do you want me to call Carolyn? What the hell am I talking about…?” Reaching over, she prodded Tripp. “Call your mom.”

“You think she’ll know anything about this? They’re probably at breakfast right now. Bastian won’t have details. How would he divine information from LA?”

“You could call and find out.”

“Why? To piss him off? He doesn’t get into every fracas at his hotels. If he did, the guy would never sleep.”

“Might explain why he works so much,” Zairn said, though the phone was still at his ear.

“The reason for that is Robyn,” Tripp said. “Let’s not all pretend we don’t know that.”

Was Zairn talking to someone? Who would he be talking to? Could anyone help? Would anyone know something? Zane was on the phone too, though he was turned into the corner, talking quietly. Someone was connected to him, maybe it was Zairn and they were hatching a plot.

Struan and Logan quickly got their own calls going until it was just her, Roxie, and Tripp on the bed, fixated on the TV.

When Zairn turned, she slanted closer to whisper to Roxie. “Who’s he talking to?”

“He should be talking to Salad,” she said. “But it’ll be Ballard.”

“Who’s Ballard?”

“The only sane man in the whole operation. You should meet him, he’s cute.”

“According to the doctor, I’ll struggle to hook up with my current boyfriend. I don’t need a sidepiece.”

“Isn’t Alessia looking for a guy? Ballard literally is security, he’d protect her.”

“If he’s security, why isn’t he here?”

“Casanova,” Roxie suddenly called and he turned on the spot. “Ballard’s already on a plane, right?” The guy did a backwards nod of confirmation and turned his back again. “He didn’t travel with us because we were supposed to be on a deserted island.” Roxie folded her arms. “I don’t even know why I’m surprised. The riptide is never far away. It’s all Tripp’s fault; he lives for the drama.”

“You don’t look upset, tense, worried.”

“Zairn does the stressing thing,” Roxie said, slouching down the bed a little to rest her head on Thea’s shoulder. “He’ll wake me up when he wants sex.” She scoffed. “Or not, he might just have sex with me anyway.”


“Hell, yeah,” Roxie said. “I love it. Don’t tell me you’ve never woken up with your guy already inside you. Maybe not with Dyce, he’s too nice. Tell him all bets are off and give it a shot. You won’t regret it. He sure won’t.”

Hadn’t Zane proved himself? Trusting him wasn’t difficult and he made it obvious that he cared. He didn’t deserve any ofthis madness. All he wanted to do was sit on his island, bask in the sun, and drink brightly colored cocktails. Okay, so maybe that was her, but he’d do it with her. Them, alone, just like it used to be every afternoon and for dinner on the sand. They had to get back to that, to them. Was it possible? Maybe not now with her stupid fractured ankle.

Their eyes met. His were still filled with concern. For her? For the Roman situation? She smiled. What other comfort could she give? God, it was selfish that all she could think of was his bed, in his hut, right there on the beach, scent of the surf, sound of the waves… She exhaled. They’d get back there, hopefully sooner rather than later.