A smile creased his dimples. “You really liked the view, huh?”
She laughed but clung onto him when he tried to move. “I like this view. You… there…”
He dipped quick to kiss her forehead. “It’s one you’ll be seeing so often, you’ll get bored of it.”
Letting him go, she pushed down her dress as he tied his shorts again, and they adjusted to lie on the lounger together, her held to his side.
Turning her face to his chest, she glowed against his sure heartbeat. “How long do we have?”
“We can stay up here all night if you want. Gets colder after sunset, but we can—”
“Until dinner, was what I meant,” she said on a laugh. “What a disappointment though, just the night? What if I never want to leave here ever again.”
“Then I’ll get someone to bring blankets.”
“I really did just come here to apologize.” Her hand moved up and down, stroking him, still trying to convince herself this was really real. “If you can believe it.”
“Best apology I’ve ever had. By far.”
She sighed and skimmed her hand across his ribs to pull herself against him. “Just a few minutes more.”
“Baby, we really don’t have to—”
“Your people come together.” She sat up. “When there’s a problem or a scene, that’s how your group works.”
“This is not really my group. Rourke and the guys wouldn’t traipse all the way over here because Roman’s an asshole. If they did that, we’d all have to live with the idiot.”
She patted his chest. “If you ever think of telling me that being with you means living with Roman Lowe…”
He laughed. “I’d dump myself if I ever said that.”
She bowed to steal a kiss. “Is there somewhere I can wash up before…?”
“Sure,” he said, vaulting up with a frustrated exhale. “I suppose the world won’t stop for us.”
He extended a hand to pull her onto her feet. “Maybe later?”
“No,” he said, holding her again. Though the rejection seemed—“Not maybe.”
Oh, Zane Dyce. How had this happened? It didn’t matter, she never needed it to happen again because… Shit, that was dangerous territory. She’d never gone ga-ga for a guy, but with Zane it was… What was it? Figuring that out while still drenched in the satisfaction of desire might be dangerous. For now, it was dinner with his people, those he cared about, in his life, with him.
She’d just keep her opinions to herself.
She could do that.
Easy… maybe not so much.
WASHING UP MAY have led to a little more than expected. A little more that ended with them having to wash up all over again. Was it the sea air? The incredible home? Or was it the man who swept her up with his adoration?
They’d got there. Somehow. Still together. But at the bottom of the stairs, she stopped, holding him back from joining the voices rumbling from elsewhere.
“I should go back.”
“Back where?” he asked.