Page 111 of Nothing to Do


“So what markets are they aiming for next? What’s the next big thing on their agenda?”

“Holographics,” Mitchum called out.

“Next as in next week, next month, next year, not in fifty years.”

“No, they are, we’re right on the cusp.”

“Of holographic technology?” Sandreen sounded as convinced as her, which, hint, was not in the slightest. “Of us having that ability in our pocket?”

And, oh, inspiration. “One sec.”

Dumping her purse and laptop to the table, she fished out her phone.

And Zane picked up on the second ring, not bad.

“How far away are we from having holographic abilities on our phones?”

“Won’t be out for Christmas, I’ll tell you that. If you want me to prioritize—”

“No,” she said, internally rolling her eyes at him, though her lips reacted with a laugh. “What is next? If we wanted to concentrate on—”

“Solar technology,” he said, “self-charging ability, as per Roxie’s request. Chiplets, think smaller, more efficient. Graphene will help with that, as it’s thinner and lighter than traditional materials. With increased demand of simultaneous processing, it’s smaller, it’s faster. Microfluidics will bring back tactile keyboards and SIM cards will soon be a thing of the past.”

Grabbing a pen, she started writing on the back of a folder. “How soon?”

“You want things you’ll get by next Christmas? Expect an increase in foldable phones. Pressure sensitive screens, improved voice interaction, oh, and uh, mixed reality will come down the line not too long after that. Are we interviewing for something?”

“Trying to impress a client.”

“Want my business? You know how to impress me.”

“Where’s the challenge in that?” Flirting reminded her of their office in the sun. “We’re not equipped for business like yours.”

“You’ve been doing just fine so far.”

“The business I handle alone, in private, doesn’t count.”

“I don’t mind if we do it in public,” he said, provoking another laugh. “Want me to come down there for lunch?”

“You know how it goes. If we eat together at lunchtime…”

“Yeah, but there are other people in your office. Puts a dampener on the seduction.”

“All you have to do is show up and it’s mission accomplished.”

“Is that a yes? I’ll bring something with me, or I’ll take you out.”

Being with him was always tempting. “We’re having a slight security meltdown here at the minute, even I couldn’t get in.”

“A security meltdown?” Suddenly, he was serious. “Are you in danger? Has a threat been made to—”

“No, Drift, be calm. They’re trying to set up a new security system and it keeps freaking out for no reason.”

“Which system?”
