Page 23 of Nothing to Do

Propping himself on the mound of pillows facing her, he handed over a glass. “For you?”

“What is it?”

“Taste it,” he said.

She sipped the liquid only to be delighted by its taste. “It’s rum.”

“Tropical punch,” he said. “Guava and mango.”

Holding her glass aside, she leaned in. Anticipating it he moved to accept her brief kiss.

“I love it.”

“I have other recipes. Gifted to me by a friend,” he said, combing his fingers into her hair to tuck it behind her ear. “You said rum was your go-to.”

“It is,” she said, drinking some more. “I love it.”

Scooching closer, she nestled against him, gazing out over the ocean.

Zane’s arm came around, holding her back against his chest. “You feel good,” he said, kissing her hair. “Want to tell me before’s problem?”

“There are no problems here,” she said, stroking the back of his forearm draped across her. “Just tiki torches and the tide. It’s beautiful. Why would you ever want to leave here?”

“Maybe now you’re here, I won’t.”

Despite denying an issue prompted her frantic request for a kiss, now that it had come up, she couldn’t ignore the opening.

“My family are important to me… and I’m important to them. I have friends at home. People who rely on me.”

“My family are important to me too,” he said, then there was silence for at least ten seconds. “You thought about backing out… because you can’t see a future.” Nail. Head. Yep. “Can I tell you something?”

“Mm,” she said, enjoying her drink, before settling her head against his arm.

His lips moved deeper into her hair. “I’m a problem solver.” She exhaled a laugh. “I’m serious. It’s my superpower. If there’s a need, I’ll find a way to satisfy it. Necessity is our friend. You don’t have to worry about anything so long as you’re with me. Just live in the moment. Don’t focus on what might come next, focus on what you want to do now.”

“Well, that’s dangerous.” Peeking over her shoulder, she didn’t have to say anything to convey her thoughts. “Tell me about the island,” she said, settling against him, drinking more. “Do we have more of your yummy cocktail?”

“As much as you want, Wanderer.” His embrace tightened. “You can have anything you want.”

“Then talk to me,” she said. “I want to know about the island… about the hotel. When is it open? Are there guests year-round?” She tilted her chin toward her shoulder. “Do you have like a budget week? A charity weekend? Maybe I could save up for five or ten years then come visit you again… if you’re not married by then. Do you live in those employee quarters we passed?”

“You can come visit the island any time you like.”

“If that was true, I’d never leave,” she said, resting her face on his arm. “Say things, Drift. Your voice is like the waves.”

“Anything you want,” he said, losing his mouth in her hair. “Anything at all.”


FOR THE NEXT THREE hours, he regaled her with island facts. Facts about its geography, the building process, the facilities at the hotel. It was open, at the island owner’s discretion. If anyone wanted to stay, or have an event there, he’d open the hotel. Other than that, availability was severely limited.

Apparently, there were a bunch of instructors on call from Hawaii who’d fly in to take groups out on the water, and trekking in the interior of the island.

Anything was possible there. Anything.

Including drinking too much.

Zane took her glass for what could’ve been the tenth time that night. As his focus went to their bar, she rolled onto her knees.