Page 10 of Meet Me in Paris

A second later, I realized what had just slipped from my mouth. Movinghere?I did want to move, and I wanted a fresh start, but living in Paris?

My heart soared at the thought. Move to Paris. It felt like an impossible dream that I hadn’t realized I could even have.A vision for the future so locked away, so deep, that I hadn’t even allowed my brain to dare consider such a dream. But now, with the vault of my dreams unlocked after all these years, it felt right somehow.

Of course. If I meant to move, why not Paris? I would soon have the money to live anywhere I wanted.

That familiar thrill rose up within me, and I found myself smiling. I could totally do this.

“Excellent!” Claude said. “I am indeedl’agent immobilier—a real estate agent, as you say. I would be pleased to assist if you will allow it. I helped an American find a home just three days ago.”

This all felt too perfect, an agent falling right into my lap. Or, rather, me falling at his feet. What was a French non-tourist real estate agent doing at the base of the Eiffel Tower, anyway?

Saving you a bunch of research,I told myself.I could at least give him my number and set him to work. “I think I want to rent a place before I commit to buying anything.” That seemed like the responsible move with the inheritance still up in the air. Besides, I wanted to talk to Jillian about her plans first, so she didn’t feel abandoned.

Claude nodded. “A sensible decision. I am also a renter’s agent, so I can represent you. How long will you be visiting?”

“Four more days.”

“Plenty of time.” He took my hand, the one that still held his business card, and held it up so I had no choice but to look at it. “Call this number tonight, and I will have some options for you. We can start looking tomorrow.”

I’d packed our itinerary pretty full, so I couldn’t imagine when I’d have time to look at houses. But for the first time in a long while, my heart swelled at my dream. A big, excitingdream. I felt like a caged bird facing an open door, daring to consider the fact that I could step outside and take flight. It felt really good . . . and downright terrifying.

“Thank you, Claude.” I flashed him a brilliant smile and tucked the business card into the pocket behind my phone for safekeeping. A handsome Frenchman? I’d most definitely be giving him a call.

“My pleasure, Kennedy.”

He melted into the crowd as Jillian emerged, pulling Alexis behind her. “Kennedy! You’ll never guess who we found.”

Hunter stepped into my line of sight.

The view from the summit had quite literally taken my breath away, but the sight of my best friend squeezed my lungs like a hand grabbing a sponge. Hunter the gangly college student was gone forever, replaced by Hunter the man.

He looked incredible—fit, tanned, and content. His floppy, curly hair was now shorter, more controlled, featuring tighter and more intentional curls, and his dark eyes held layer upon piercing layer of deep brown. He wore a gray button-down shirt with an open collar that revealed a smooth, hardened chest. The sleeves were rolled up just above the wrists. Somehow, it brought my attention to his shoulders, which seemed bulkier than I remembered.

Boy, did I remember. Those shoulders had cradled me once, and I remembered well running my hands along them, memorizing every crevice as he kissed me. What would those thick shoulders feel like now?

Heat rushed to my cheeks. Now wasnotthe time to think about that.

“Neddie,” he said softly. The smile on his lips reachedhis eyes in a way that squeezed my chest a bit harder. I had to will my lungs to function as they should. Still recovering from the fall, surely.

“She doesn’t like that nickname anymore,” Alexis pointed out.

I pulled myself together and lifted my chin, hoping I looked just as mature and not like an insecure tourist who’d just fallen down the stairs. “Hi, Hunter.”

“What a coincidence seeing you here,” Jillian said, although I detected a mischievous undercurrent to her tone. “Hunter, how is it you look exactly the same?”

By the way she avoided my eyes, I knew she’d told him to meet us here. The little traitor.

“And how is it you look all grown up, Jillie?” Hunter asked, turning his attention to my sister. “I swear you graduated from high school just a few months ago. What are you up to these days?”

Jillian grinned. “My channel is doing pretty well. It’s been a lot of work, though.”

“I’m sure. You must be doing something right, then. I’m sure you deserve it.” He turned to Alexis. “What about you, Lexi? How is Maine?”

She looked uncomfortable. “I haven’t lived there in years. I’m in Colorado now, working at an extreme adventure camp.”

Jillian and I shot each other meaningful looks. Alexis didn’t tell either of us about that.

“That sounds perfect. What do they have you doing out there? They’re lucky to have you. I can’t think of a single sport you aren’t good at.”