Piper tapped her shoulder. “Bella?”
Sudden relief rushed through her. “I know that walk. I know him. It’s Falcon.” Falcon. The man of mystery in her life. He was never around, and then he would appear like a ghost, then fade off into the darkness again.
It was just like him to suddenly show up in the middle of a party she was catering at a place she’d never been before in her life. How did he always know where to find her? It was one of his many talents. She waved her arms. “Falcon,” she called out. “Over here!”
“Falcon?” Piper peered at him. “Holy shit. It is. I didn’t even recognize him. He’s lost so much weight.”
“He has?” Bella didn’t have time to notice, because suddenly Falcon was there. He swept her up in a hug, and she burst out laughing, so happy to see him as he spun her around. Sometimes when he showed up, he had so many shadows in his eyes that she’d wanted to hug him.
Otherwise, he was sassy and fun, and made her laugh so hard her sides would ache.
“I’ve searched the world for you, my princess,” he said as he put her down.
She grinned up at him, then her smile faded. His eyes were hooded and unreadable. Shadows. “You all right?”
“Yeah. I am.” He paused, as if he were going to say more, then his gaze went to Piper. “Good to see you, Piper. How’s married life treating you?”
“Amazing. How is life hiding in shadows and coming out only to rescue women who need help?”
His gaze flicked to Bella, then back to Piper. “It’s all right.”
“A man of many words, as always.” Piper pointed at the tables. “If you’re feeling the need to be useful, we’re starting to load up the tables. Feel free to jump in.”
“Will do. In a sec.” He took Bella’s hand, his fingers rough and warm as they wrapped around hers.
Falcon had grabbed her hand hundreds of times over the last ten years, but this time, it felt different. This time, Bella noticed the warmth of his hand, and she thought she felt his thumb linger on her palm.
She had to be imagining it. There was no spark between them. He’d extinguished that spark soundly when she was a sixteen-year-old lost teenager and she asked the gorgeous rebel to take her virginity.
Yes, she’d actually asked him to do that.
Thankfully, he’d politely declined the offer. He’d told her he wasn’t interested in her like that, and neither of them had ever mentioned it again. And he’d made sure to never give off anything other than the most non-sexy vibes possible when he was around her.
He pulled her to the side. “I need to talk to you.”
Her heart started racing. “What’s wrong? Is my family in danger?”
“No. Nothing’s wrong. I—” He stopped, searching her face.
“I… Fuck.”
“What?Just say it, Falcon. You’re freaking me out.”
He paused again, then swore. “I need a place to crash for a few days. You got room?”
She stared at him. “You’re a billionaire, like the rest of us. You could buy a mansion in cash. But you need to crash at my place for a few days?”
He met her gaze, and didn’t look away. “Yes.”
Oh, Lordy. The man was still too handsome for words. He took her breath away, just as he had when she was sixteen. Why was he looking at her so intently? “Why?” She frowned. “Am I in danger?”
“Only from me.”
Again, the edge to his words. Was she imagining it? Or was he teasing? Why was this vibe feeling so unsettling right now? “Am I in danger from you?”