Kitty looked over at Falcon, and Bella braced herself for more sass.

But Kitty surprised her.

“Bella,” Kitty said. “You came out here for you. It’s too soon for you to go back.”

Bella bit her lip. “I know?—”

“If he’s right for you, he’ll wait.”

“He doesn’t want to wait. He wants a family.” She paused. “Heneedsa family. And I don’t want kids. I just…I don’t. I never have. I mean, I didn’t before. Not that I do now. I don’t.” She stopped, confusing herself.

Piper frowned. “Are you saying you’d have kids for him?”

Oh, God. Was she saying that? “I don’t know, but going back to the ranch…” She sighed. “I’ve had a crush on him since I was sixteen. I don’t know if that’s what’s driving my emotions right now. Or if he’s just the right guy for me, even today.”

Kitty put her hands on her hips. “I’ll tell you something, Bella. I met my husband at the peak of my pop star career. I told him I wasn’t going to give up my career any time soon, and he said that was fine. But it wasn’t. Our marriage couldn’t survive my travel. When we had kids, I had to choose to reduce my travel, because at the end of the day, it’s the woman who usually has the responsibility for the kids and family.”

Piper raised her hand. “That’s not how it has to be.”

“No, but that’s how it is.” Kitty held out her hands. “I love my kids. I have never regretted all the love I gave them, but does a part of me regret not givingmyselfthe love I needed and wanted? Yes.” She touched Bella’s shoulder. “You need to love yourself first, sweetheart. Take time to do that. Maybe eventually you’ll decide you want kids and a family, and if Falcon’s the right guy, he’ll be around. But maybe you won’t, and then he’s not the right guy.”

“Unless he changes his mind,” Piper said. “He might decide he doesn’t want kids and to get married.”

Bella thought about how he’d looked at Gordy and the other kids. “It’s in his soul to protect kids. He needs it.” She knew whyhe needed it: to erase the darkness that coated his past, to find a way to believe he had worth.

Kitty cocked her head. “Do you think there’s any chance you would ever want to get married or have kids?”

Bella shook her head. “It feels like a trap. I’ve been trapped for so long.”

Piper raised her hand. “I need to speak up here. I was very anti-dating, let alone marriage, but with the right guy, it isn’t a trap. It’s liberating. It’s like having your own secret weapon in life.”

Bella pressed her lips together. She knew that Piper had had a tough past, and she’d been very opposed to dating, let alone settling down and getting married. She also knew that magic had happened with Piper and Declan. She sighed as she looked over at Falcon.

He was leaning against a pillar nearby, arms folded, scanning the room.

He seemed to sense her looking at him, because his gaze swiveled toward her. His face softened, and he smiled, a smile that went right to her heart.God, she wanted him.

Piper put her arm around Bella’s shoulders. “The way he looks at you is how Declan looks at me.”

“He sure does,” Kitty said. “Damn, girl. You’ve got yourself entangled already. Why even question it? Dive in and see where the ride takes you.”

“I agree,” Piper said. “Go have fun. If it works out, it’s worth it.”

Bella thought about getting on a plane with Falcon, walking away from these women, from Boston, from her independence, to move back to the ranch she’d lived on for so long. To cooking for dude ranch guests. To being the same as she always had been. “I’m more than who I’ve let myself be,” she whispered.

“We all are,” Kitty agreed.

Bella pulled her shoulders back. “I’m going to buy the catering business.”

Piper and Kitty raised their brows. “Are you doing that just to give you an anchor here so you can’t run back to the ranch?” Kitty asked.

“Absolutely,” Bella said.

“Fantastic. Motivation is everything.” Kitty grinned. “The beauty of being a wealthy woman is that you can make choices like that. Own the fact you have options, Bella. Let’s go find Diana. We’ll be delighted to work with you, right Piper?”

“Of course we are.” Piper was frowning though. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, don’t buy a business just because you want to anchor yourself here. At least buy one you want to do.”

Bella was restless. “I know how to cook. It will be great. Let’s go.” She wanted an anchor. She wanted something for herself. A business that wasn’t tied to her family.Somethingfor herself.