“Bella,” he whispered her name as he trailed his lips down the side of her neck, almost unable to believe he was there with her. Her skin was slightly salty from the hot day, and he loved it.
He kissed over her collarbone and her throat, then caught her face between his palms and kissed her again. More. Deeper. Fighting desperately for the class and patience she deserved. But he’d been thinking about this moment for so long, he had to fightto stay in control, to give her long, leisurely, tantalizing kisses that tasted like heaven.
On second thought, those kisses were exactly what he needed.
He leaned into them, letting them slow his pace, bring him into the present, into this insane moment with Bella. He had no idea how this was happening, and he was pretty sure it shouldn’t be, but he had no chance to play the hero and step back when she was holding onto him so tightly.
With every kiss, he made sure he paid close attention to her body language, prepared to pull back if she gave any indication she didn’t want what was happening between them.
But she didn’t. She leaned into him, kissing him back, even taking the kiss to the next level. And the one after that, until he felt like he was on fire, burning for her. “Couch?” he murmured against her mouth.
Oh, fuck. He pulled back then, breathing hard as he searched her face. “You’re sure?”
“I don’t know what I’m sure of, but let’s start there and see.” She paused. “I assume you can stop yourself at any point? I’m not promising anything by saying bed?—”
He laughed and swept her up in his arms, cradling her against his chest. “You’re always safe with me, Bella. On that, I will stake my life.”
She giggled and looped her arm around his neck as he made his way across the small cottage. “I know I’m safe with you. Every girl needs a man who makes her feel completely and wholly safe.”
“Every woman deserves that.” He stepped into the bedroom, broke the kiss long enough to take one more look around the cottage, then kicked the door shut and locked it.
He lowered Bella gently to the bed, careful not to jostle her, but the minute she landed on the comforter, she grabbed him and yanked him off balance. He let her tug him over, and he landed beside her. He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him.
She came willingly, bracing her hands on either side of his head as she leaned over him and kissed him, her knees on either side of his hips.
He grinned at the twinkle in her eye, and some of his tension eased. “You’re happy right now.” He had his hands on her hips, drawing circles with his thumbs. He loved having her sitting on him. It put her in the position of power, which he wanted to give her. It also meant that she wanted to be there, because it would be so easy for her to get off.
“I am.” She giggled. “Why am I happy? I don’t know. Maybe because this super-hot guy I’ve had a crush on forever is in my bed?”
“Super-hot?” He laughed softly as he ran his right hand over her thigh. “I’m like a homeless dog. Underfed. Kind of feral.”
“Exactly how I want you.” She leaned down and kissed him, her breasts grazing his chest.
“Fuck,” he whispered. “I don’t even know how to handle this. It’s you. I’m kissingyou.”
She pulled back. “When you say things like that, in that mushy tone, you make up for all the moments of stony silence you give me.”
“I don’t want to give you stony silence,” he said. “I just…I’m learning. It’s hard.”
“I know.” She put her hands on his shoulders. “I have a question for you, Falcon.”
He smiled at her playful tone. “Lay it on me, beautiful.”
“Did you ever wish you hadn’t turned me down when I asked you to make love to me?”
“No. Never.” He laughed at the flash of disappointment on her face. “Sweetheart. I was twenty. You were sixteen and traumatized. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to cross that line with you until you were ready. Until it would be beautiful and equal and magical for you.”
Her face softened. “You deserve magic, too.”
“Being with you would always have been magic.” He slid his hand beneath her hair on the back of her neck. “But it wouldn’t have been magical for you until you were ready.” He paused. “What do you think?”
“Am I ready?”
He nodded.
She smiled. “I don’t think I could ever be fully ready for you, Falcon, but magical? Oh, yes.” Then she lowered herself on top of him and kissed him like she would never let him go.