“I did.” He gestured to the table he’d set on the deck. “I figured the chef doesn’t get people cooking for her very often so I thought I’d offer my culinary services as a thanks for the couch.”

Bella smiled and shuffled into the kitchen. “And coffee?”

“Always coffee.” He poured her a cup and slid it across the counter. “How’d you sleep?”

She ignored the table outside on the deck and scooched onto a barstool at the kitchen island. “You seem different. What’s going on?”

He raised his brows.

“And before you say nothing, remember the Hart rule.”

“I’m not a Hart.” He had to make that very clear. Even though none of the Harts were biologically related, siblings by heart were still siblings, and he was definitely outside that.

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to try that? Inner circle rules still apply.”

He grinned. “You and I both know that I don’t listen to that rule.”

“You do with Brody.”

“This is true. Brody is like a mama wolverine. I’m scared of him.”

She giggled. “He would love being called a mama wolverine. I feel like that fits him.”

Ah…her giggle. He’d been searching for that. “I’m not sure which would make him happier. Being called a mama or a wolverine.”

“Both, I’m sure. Putting them together is the magic ingredient though. Fierce and protective. It’s him.”

“It is.” Falcon handed her a plate of pancakes. “The pancakes will lose their magic if they get cold. Eat ‘em up.”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “I haven’t forgotten my question, so don’t be thinking you’re some sly manipulator. But I do like hot pancakes.”

“Exactly. Why sacrifice perfect pancakes just to harass me, when you can harass me in ten minutes after eating the amazing pancakes?”

She grinned as she accepted the plate. “I don’t know. It can be highly satisfying to harass you. Hot pancakes might be worth the sacrifice, if I weren’t so hungry.”

He relaxed. Their banter was returning. “You’ll be a much better harasser on a full stomach.”

“You’re right. I need to be at my best.” She stood up and grabbed her coffee. “I’m going to the deck to fuel up. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to resume my interrogation.”

“Can’t wait. I’ll get your utensils.” He whistled under his breath as he followed her outside. All right. He knew his approach now. He just had to be normal, and see where it went. Keeping her as a friend was most important, so he had to start there.

Friends. Laughter. Fun.


Except for the fact he couldn’t stop thinking about more.

Bella leaned back in her seat, sated and happy. The beach was starting to fill up with people, the sun was bright, and the sky was blue. Falcon had gotten into one of his silly moods, and he’d had her laughing until her sides hurt with his stories about his adventures.

He seemed so normal now. He was Happy Falcon, and she loved that side of him.

Did she really want to make him talk about whatever had been weighing on him earlier?

Not really.

But he leaned forward, and his smile faded. Her heart started to pound. “You’ve got that serious look, Falcon.”

He grinned. “Sorry. I just wanted to ask you a question.”