At that moment, his gaze fell upon the notepad. He recognized Bella’s handwriting, and he saw the word “healer” jotted down. He grabbed the pad and pulled it over, scanning her notes with rising disbelief.

She had written down the names and phone numbers of three energy healers, and written a note to him.

Falcon, these are three top energy healers. I talked to each of them. They sound amazing. I pre-paid for a two-hour consult with each one. All you need to do is call them and set it up. You have a gift, and the world needs you. Love, Me.

Falcon’s hands started shaking, and sudden emotion overtook him.

She truly believed in him and accepted him. And she’d told her family, and they felt the same.

He didn’t have to hide it. Not from them.

Tears threatened, and he shoved them away.

He stood up and walked to the window, hands in his pockets as he gazed across the vast ranch that had called to him for so long. His people were here. His love was here.

This was where he wanted to be, not chasing some psycho across the globe for another twenty years.

Find something to do with your life.

He pulled his hands out of his pockets and looked down at them. They looked like normal hands. Nothing special.

But he turned his palms toward each other and imagined energy flowing between them.

In a moment, both his hands began to burn, and his fingers started tingling. The energy traveled up his arms, through his shoulders, down his sternum, and into his chest. He could feel the energy in his heart center vibrating, shaking, coming alive.

He wasn’t imagining it. He knew he wasn’t.

His gaze shifted to the notepad on the counter. What if he could make a difference for others? What if he did have the ability to somehow transmute the pain that echoed so rampantly through this world?

If there was any chance he could help, how could he say no, right?

He looked down at his hands, and sudden inspiration struck him. “Is my name Falcon?”

His hands moved further apart, of their own accord.Yes.The word was very clear in his mind, as if someone had spoken to him.

Excitement began to build inside him. “Is my name Bella?”

His hands moved closer together.No.Again, the word imprinted in his mind.

“Should I call those healers?”

His hands moved further apart.Yes.

He didn’t ask again.

He simply walked across the room, pulled out his phone, and called the first number on the list.

When she answered, he said, “My name is Falcon, and I’m a healer.”


The wine was gone,the food had been reduced to a few crumbs, and Bella felt the happiest she’d felt in a long time.

Tatum was on her stomach, licking chocolate off her fingers, her feet crossed behind her. “I think Falcon’s going to come after you,” she said. “The man definitely loves you. He’s just scared shitless.”

“Like all the Harts are,” Phoebe said. “Jacob was so fragile in some ways. Still is.”

Bella inclined her head. “This is true.”