Dash took the box and studied it for a moment. The toy looked like it was supposed to be woven into vines and held in place by magic. “Hmm….”

“Not so smart now, are we?” she said, multi-colored eyes flashing with triumph.

“Well, everyone knows I’m a kid at heart, what’s your excuse?” He gave all his focus to popping the toy back into the box, biting his lip and hoping he didn’t break anything. “You do know you’re not supposed to remove them from their packaging until you’ve purchased them, right?”

“Oh? Is that how they do it on Mars?” She leaned in closer, her body heating up the air around him. She smelled of something floral, intoxicating and sweet.

“Dash! I found something.” Kiki came bounding up to them, a large tablet in her arms. She looked between the two of them for a long moment, young brown eyes calculating. “Is she your girlfriend?”

Ro choked and Dash had no better way to respond. He took a minute so all his hopes and desires didn’t bleed into what he was saying. “Rowan is another passenger. She’s flying with us and then I’m taking her to Earth once I drop you off.”

Kiki was going to have one hell of a stare one day, but she was still a kid and the intensity bordered on funny. She held up the tablet. “Can I get this?”


“Shouldn’t you actually look at it before you agree?” Rowan asked, quiet enough so that Kiki couldn’t hear.

“It’s a toy store, it’s not like she could grab anything inappropriate.” And Kiki didn’t seem the type to try and pull one over on him. “I’d say you’re a little old for this guy.” He held up the doll that he’d successfully wedged back into its box. Did she have a kid of her own? A partner? He probably shouldn’t lust after a married woman, and he held his breath waiting for the answer.

“My nephew’s ten. My sister refused to tell me what he wanted, something about not trusting me to actually show up.” She clenched her teeth and then consciously loosened her muscles. Dash watched it happen, starting at her jaw and working down her neck and back. “So I need to show up with the best gift there is, simple as that. On time. Keep my promises.”

“I’ll get you there on time.”

She looked at him and gave a reluctant smile. “I was a little afraid you’d leave without me.”

He handed the toy back to her. “I won’t. And a ten year old will love this thing. But I think he’ll like that you’re there even more. I’ve got to go find Kiki before she talks herself out of that tablet. I’ll see you soon?”

She nodded.

Dash leaned in and hugged her without a second thought. Rowan paused for a moment before her free arm went around him, her soft body pressing into him. Oh, yeah, that was good. She was clearly out of practice when it came to hugging, but Dash could teach her a lesson or two.

This was going to be the best trip ever.

Chapter Three

As expected, Dash’s ship was tiny. He could have squeezed two more passengers on board if he was looking to make more money, but the quarters were already tight and Ro was glad she didn’t need to double up. By the time she climbed aboard, Dash and Kiki were already there, and Kiki had the room next to hers. Dash helpfully informed her of where the captain’s quarters were, and she almost asked him if his bed was big enough for two.

What thehellhad gotten into her?

The excitement of the morning seemed to have tired the kid out, and she crawled into her bed and closed herself off with a promise she’d be up for dinner. Dash played around with a control panel outside Kiki’s door for a minute before turning back to her. “Ship AI is programmed to monitor her health, make sure nothing goes wrong. Doc said she’s all good for travel and as long as she takes her meds they don’t expect anything to come up. I’ll handle it if it does.”

“I’m not a total monster.” Ro tried not to feel offended. “I’m not going to leave a sick kid to suffer.”

“I never thought you would.” Dash looked over her shoulder and into her room. Her suitcases were stuffed in beside her bed, waiting for her to unpack. “Are your quarters satisfactory?”

“I’m on a ship headed to Earth… eventually. You could stick me in the cargo bay and I’d deal.” Stowing away on another ship had briefly crossed her mind, it was only worries about oxygen supply and possible arrest that had kept her from following through.

“It’s too cold in the cargo bay with no one to keep you warm.” She and Dash were standing close enough to touch.

What was it about this guy? She had defenses, walls to keep her emotions safe, and he’d somehow found a way inside without even trying. It took her time towantsomeone the way she wanted him. What made Dash Blitz so special? “What’s your secret?”

Dash’s brows drew down, puzzled. “I’m an open book.”

“You’re hiding something. Everyone does.” And she shouldn’t be prying. But he was there, and if she didn’t keep her mouth occupied with talking, she was sure to use it to trace the outline of his collarbone that was sticking so tantalizingly out of his shirt.

His eyes widened and he laughed nervously. “No secrets, I swear.”

Thatmade her curious. “I totally believe you. Wife? Husband? Harem hiding in that cargo hold? What is it?”