Dash wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Ro didn’t cry, but her breaths shuddered as she struggled to get them under control. “And your sister doesn’t know?” he asked.
Ro shook her head. “What good would it do? I wish I still thought he was dead. At least then I’d think he still loved us.”
This time she cried and Dash held her, all while keeping an eye on Lee, who was getting closer to the front of the game line.“Do you think she might appreciate knowing the truth? Even if it just means that she understands you better?”
Ro pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “Why burden her with it?”
“Because sometimes shared burdens make easier work.” He held up their interlaced hands as if that was proof of something.
“Keep saying things like that and I might want to keep you.” There was the hint of a smile on her face.
“You have me for as long as you want me.”Forever, if you want.
“You might be signing up for more than you can handle,” she said, but her fingers tightened around his. “What if I don’t let go?”
“I’m not hearing a problem.”
A boy’swhoopof joy broke through, and Dash and Ro looked over to see Lee with a stuffed animal almost as big as him. He dragged it on the ground towards them, his face lit with joy. “Look what I won! Did you see?”
Neither of them had, but this was one of the times where telling the truth wouldn’t help anyone. “Awesome job,” said Ro. “How are you even lifting that thing?”
“I’m really strong,” Lee insisted. “But I’ll let you know if I need help.”
“You’re really smart too,” she said. And she and Dash walked hand in hand with Lee leading the way. A perfect moment.
Chapter Ten
Dash had a point about shared burdens, even if Ro didn’t want to admit it. Instead she wanted to soak up the day with him and Lee, and pretend that there were no problems, no tension, waiting for her. But May was back at the house, and they couldn’t exactly kidnap her kid.
Seeing Dash with a kid, though?Damn. She’d known that she was falling for him, that he was basically the perfect guy, antlers and all, but seeing the way he played with Lee was even better than when she’d seen him with Kiki. He had a natural way with children that told her he’d be a great father some day.
She’d never thought of herself as the maternal type, but with Dash? Yeah, she could maybe see that. Though she was getting ahead of herself. Far,farahead of herself. Sure, he’d said he was in it for the long haul, but could she really trust that? They hadn’t even known each other a week! They had so much to figure out! But a guy didn’t transport a girl halfway across the solar system and show her that he was secretly a magical being if he didn’t feelsomethingfor her.
They made it back to the house and Dash squeezed her hand. “I’m going to get a bit more sleep. Join me when you’re done?”
She nodded and kissed him. He was rightthere, why would she resist?
It took her awhile to find May. She wasn’t anywhere in the house, and none of the handful of nieces and nephews running around could remember seeing her. Eventually Ro braved the cold once more and found her sister at a work station in the barn behind the house, tool in her mouth as she prodded at a busted robot. Ro knocked on the table to get her attention and May looked up.
“I’m a bit busy. More snow tonight and we’ll be out of luck if this thing doesn’t function.” May had always had a head for mechanics and Ro had used to take special pleasure in finding bits and bobs for her sister to work on. She’d forgotten about that until just now. There’d been a time they were close, but it felt so far away.
“I wanted to let you know we returned Lee all in one piece. He’s playing with Ark and Raylee now.” Ro wasn’t close to Richard’s kids, but it was nice to have the house full of tiny bodies who bounced around with good cheer.
“Good.” May pressed a long piece of metal to the robot and prodded until sparks appeared.
Ro could walk away. May didn’t seem to be in the talking mood and there was no reason to bring this up now. But her reindeer had a point, and she and May had been sour towards each other ever since their father left. Maybe the truth would help. How much worse could matters get between them?
“There’s something I wanted to tell you.” Ro leaned against a nearby bench, not quite sitting or standing, ready to spring away if she had to flee.
“Get called away to work?” Her sister sounded like she’d been expecting it.
Ro hadn’t even been there a full day. “I made it clear to my boss that I’m taking the full vacation, but thanks for that.” She shook her head. “You know what?—”
“What is it?”
“Dad isn’t dead.” It burst out of her, far less tactfully than she meant to say it, but it was out there now. “He’s living on Mars. I’ve seen him. Spoken to him once, even. He’s got a new family now and he doesn’t?—”
“He wants us to stay out of his life. I know.” There was no shock coming off May. She kept prodding at the robot and barely glanced up at Ro.