And for right now, he was hers.

They were finally in front of their door, and with a swipe of his hand, Dash had them inside. It could have been a palace or a dump, Ro didn’t care, as long as it had a bit of privacy and enough room to maneuver.

Dash opened his mouth to speak, but she was done talking for the moment. She got up on her tip toes and crushed their mouths together, pressing him back against the door and holding him there with her body weight. Her body was on fire with want, her clothing too constrictive. She wished it would just dissolve off of her, but that didn’t seem to be happening. She managed to struggle out of her sweater, breaking their kiss for just long enough to rip it over her head. That was a little better, but she was still fully covered, and she wanted to press her naked body against the glorious man in front of her.

She reached for the clasp of his pants, but Dash put a hand over hers and groaned. “Patience, dear.”

“I’ve been patient for days.” But she flattened her hand so she was just pressing against him, no longer trying to rip his clothes off.

Dash smiled against her lips and canted his hips forward, demonstrating just how much he waslettingher hold him in place. Normally that would have annoyed Ro. If she wanted control, it was hers, but there was a give and take with Dash. He’d never force her into something she didn’t want. It was a fantasy to think that, but she knew it was true, the way she knew other things about him that she had no business knowing.They were two acquaintances who were destined to exist in each other’s spheres for one week only. And yet this felt like something more intense, more permanent than that. It should have made her want to pull back, but she didn’t, she couldn’t. She might actually die if she didn’t get him inside her.

He pushed her forward, walking her backwards for a few steps before sweeping her up in his arms. Ro wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he walked them back to the bed. He placed her down gently, but she bounced more than expected, and a laugh burst out of her. Lunar gravity was modified in the bases, but it still wasn’t as strong as on Earth or Mars, and it could catch a person off guard at the most awkward of times.

Dash leaned forward, looming over her, and Ro was torn between pulling him down over her and another want. And the second one won out. “Get naked,” she commanded. “I want to see you.”

He stole a kiss before standing back up and ripping off his shirt, revealing a set of rippling brown abs that she wanted,needed,to run her tongue over.Damn, the man looked good. And he wasn’t done. He threw his clothes off like he was racing against the clock, not performing a striptease, and for that Ro was thankful. She wasn’t feeling playful right now, she just wanted him naked and ready for her.

And ready for her he was. His cock jutted out from a tuft of brown hair, the same dark hair that covered his legs. She wouldn’t go so far as to call him hairy, but there was definitely a bit of fur and wanted to run her hands through it. And run her tongue over the glistening head of his cock and see if he tasted as good as he looked.

She wasted no time removing her own clothes before laying back down and crooking a finger at him.

He joined her on the bed, pressing his warm flesh against hers and joining their mouths. This was heaven. The rest of the moon, the solar system, the galaxy, all of it could have ceased to exist and it would not have mattered as long as she and Dash were in this bed together.

Hands quested, lips teased; it was an exploration between the two of them, and with every tantalizing touch, Ro’s body grew more desperate, hot and wet with desire. She spread her legs and gasped when his fingers brushed against her entrance. She hitched her legs further apart to give him access, arching up into him as his lips teased her neck. It had been far too long since she’d been in bed with anyone, and it had never been as good as it was with Dash. Already regret that it would eventually have to end nipped at the edges of her mind, but it couldn’t take hold when she was so focused on the pleasure he was bringing her.

He stretched her out, caressing her with sure fingers. This was a man who knew exactly what he was doing, who somehow had figured out exactly what she wanted. She let out little pants of air and couldn’t string together a coherent sentence as his fingers teased in and out of her, a third joining the first after a few thrusts.

“More,” she begged. She didn’t know exactly what she was asking for; it wasn’t just his cock, though she needed that. She wanted all of him inside her, beside her, with her for as long as she could have him. But all she could manage to speak was a single word.

It was enough.

Dash kissed her again, their tongues tangled and tasting as he lined himself up at her entrance. And then he was sliding home, joining them together with a bond as old as time itself. She clutched at him, holding tight and probably leaving bruises, but he didn’t seem to care, so she wouldn’t either, not if it kept them close together.

He moved within her and she moved with him, their hips thrusting in sync. She stared up at him and his dark eyes sparkled with light, almost like they were glowing.Hewas glowing, that happiness that had been radiating off of him all day coming off in waves and all directed at her. Ro couldn’t help but get swept up in it, not when her body undulated with pleasure and she finally had the man she craved with her in bed.

The tempo increased, the dance becoming frenetic as they came to their peaks. Ro crested first, her body rippling with release, her throat letting out a decadent moan as she let go off all of the tension within and surrendered to the pleasure. A moment later Dash joined, releasing into her with a final thrust and a moan of his own.

They lay there together for several minutes, their breath mingled and chests rising in a calming rhythm. Ro’s body tingled with pleasure and she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face, she didn’t want to. She turned her head to face Dash and found him already looking at her, his smile just as wide.

The worrier who lived in the back of her mind tried to tell her that this was bad, that it was bound to end messy, painful, or both. But for once Ro told that part of her brain to shut up and enjoy the moment. She’d deal with consequences when they happened. For now, she was going to enjoy the man beside her.

The next morning, good cheer still buzzed in Dash’s veins. How could it not? He’d reunited a family, spent the day with the woman he thought was his mate, and then spent thenightwith her as well. At this rate he’d be high on good cheer for months and he couldn’t see anything wrong with that. He was humming in the shower as he cleaned up and still humming when he cameout to find Ro dressed and ready to go. She smiled at him, and he couldn’t stop himself from crossing the room to kiss her.

She wrapped an arm around him and opened for him and Dash’s body stirred, desperate to take her again. But they’d barely slept the night before, so caught up in each other, and while he was powered by cheer, he had to remember that Ro was human and needed a little time to recharge.

A little.

He pulled away and Ro looked at him strangely. “What was that for?” She placed her fingers to her swollen lips.

Dash kissed her forehead. “I like kissing you.”

She dropped her eyes and pressed her lips together, but she couldn’t stop the smile from blooming. “I like kissing you too.”

The feeling coursing through him wasn’t the same as what he experienced when he brought good cheer to others. It was stronger, and it took him a moment to realize it was his own personal happiness. He was a cheerful individual by default, rarely sad or down, but he was usually on an even keel, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt personal joy rather than good cheer from a job well done. “The ship should be ready to go soon. Want to grab some food before we head out?”

Ro nodded. “We’re so close to Earth I can practically taste it.”

And that statement threatened his happiness, the reminder that he only had her for a few more days. Last night had felt like the beginning of something special to Dash, but did Ro feel the same way? Or would she be happy to leave him the second he got her back to her family? A small part of him wanted to delay their journey, to find an excuse to stay on the moon for a few more days and get to know one another, but he knew how important this trip was and he wouldn’t do that to his mate. His potential mate.