Page 8 of Garr

“Oh, my goodness,” she sniffed. “They’re beautiful.”

“Holy shit, kiddo,” smiled Chief. “You did it. You really did it.”

“I don’t think she had a choice, honey,” laughed Rachel. “I’m so proud of you, Maddie. I know it wasn’t easy, but they’re beautiful. But what are they? Boys? Girls? A mix?”

“Well, let us introduce you,” said Forrest. He handed one tiny bundle to his father, watching as he expertly held the infant. “Dad? Meet your grandson,Hudson RobertRobicheaux.”

“Hudson,” smiled Robbie. “It’s a good name.” Forrest took the other infant, laying it in Chief’s arms, and smiled up at his huge father-in-law.

“Chief? Meet your second grandson,Briggs EricRobicheaux.” Chief swallowed back his tears, nodding at them both.

“Now, that’s a fine name,” he smiled. Taking an infant from Maddie’s arms, he handed it to her mother.

“Rachel, this is your granddaughter,Hattie RachelRobicheaux.”

“Oh,” she said as her voice cracked.

“Last but not least,” he said, lifting number four. “Mom, meetBeatrice CarrieRobicheaux. I’m sure glad we had four to spread the love of the names.” The room chuckled, everyone watching the proud grandparents.

“Fine names,” nodded Matthew. “Beatrice and Brady, Hudson and Hattie. Fine, fine names, Forrest. Well done.”

“Thank you, Uncle Matthew,” he smiled.

“You feelin’ okay, Maddie?” asked Irene.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m actually feeling good. They were all right at six pounds. I can’t believe I carried them for so long. My stomach will never be the same, but I really don’t care,” she smiled.

“Your stomach will be just fine,” said Gray. “You can go to the pond in a few days, and it will be beautiful again. They’re all perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

“Thank you, Gray,” nodded Forrest.

For the next hour, people filtered in and out, oohing and ahhing over the babies. Four. Four all at once, all healthy, all beautiful. Who could ask for anything else?

“Cam? Luke?” whispered Hiro. They turned to see him jerking his head toward the front porch.

“What’s up?” asked Luke.

“We’ve got a group claiming the attack and claiming there will be more before Christmas Eve. Several more.”

“Who?” asked Cam. “Who are they?”

“Well, I’m not sure it’s real or not.”

“Who, Hiro?” insisted Luke.

“The Boy Scouts.”

And that’s when the floodgates opened.


“Gray? Where are you at on this one?” asked Doc, poking his head in the door, hearing Brooke cursing East.

“Almost there. Why?”

“I got Daphne crowning, and Dana is right behind her.”

“Not so fast,” said Cruz. “I’ve got Harlow ready, Lyra eight centimeters, and Caroline is trying to push out a toddler right now.”