Page 10 of Stryker

“I understand this comesout of left field. Your parents’ murder had been a cold case upuntil last week when we received a new lead.”

“A new lead? After allthis time?”How is thatpossible?

John’s legs buckled as his mind triedto wrap around the fact that his parents’ case had been reopened.Strong arms caught him from behind just before he landed on thefloor. John looked up to find a pair of concerned dark eyes staringback at him. Stryker.

Shit.This day just kept getting better and better.



He’d stopped in to check how thingswere coming along at the store when he found John on his phone,holding on to a piece of furniture, looking as if he was about totopple. Stryker supported him and motioned to a nearby chair, thentook the phone out of his hand.

“Who is this?” hedemanded. “What do you want?”

“Detective Woodley.Where’s Mr. Seya?”

Stryker looked over at John who wasseated in the chair, a numb look on his face.

“He’s indisposed rightnow. What did you say to him?”

“I’m sorry, but this isprivate information,” Detective Woodley informed him.

“To hell with your privateinformation. What the fuck is going on?”

After a few seconds of silence, thedetective continued. “I assume you’re a friend ofJohn’s.”


“Okay. There’s been abreak in Mr. Seya’s parents’ murder case, and I need to discussthis with him. I’ll give you my number, and I need him to call meback as soon as possible.”

“Okay, give me thenumber.”

Stryker didn’t need to write it down;he had an excellent memory. He disconnected the call and knelt infront of John.

“Do you need yourinhaler?”

John shook his head.

“Okay, good. Can I get youanything else?”

Another head shake.

Stryker heard footsteps entering theworkshop and glanced back to find Jason heading straight forthem.

“What’s going on?” Jasonasked, his concern evident.

Stryker did what came naturally andtook over. “John got a call from a detective about his parents’murder case.”

“Oh shit,” Jason said ashe came to kneel beside John. “Are you okay, buddy?”

“I caught him as he wasabout to swan dive onto the floor.” Stryker held up the phone. “Igot the detective’s number, and he wants John to call himback.”

“T—they’re…reopening thecase,” John whispered. “New lead.” He took a deep breath, colorreturning to his face.

“It’s been over twentyyears,” Jason said. “That’s insane.”

“Your parents weremurdered?” Stryker asked. It was the first time he’d heard anythingabout it.Why didn’t he knowalready?