“They have a six-hour headstart,” Brick confirmed, his face grave at he stared at Strykerfrom above the laptop screen.
John had been kidnapped—again—and bythe blood found at the scene, someone was hurt, likely John. Thesheriff had found his deputy tied up in the shop when he didn’tcheck in. It looked like someone had darted Charlie from outsidewith a dart gun, with some unpronounceable drug to make him feelextremely unwell, then when he was down, and they were in thebuilding, injected him again with a sedative. Security camerasshowed a lone individual wearing a mask lurking around the shopshortly before John was taken, but nothing more.
The question was, how had they gottenin? The locks weren’t forced, keys were used, and by all accountsthe place was spotless. He and the team had prepared for everyeventuality, but still, they’d gotten to John.
Everything inside of Stryker compelledhim to race back to Texas, but logically, that didn’t make anysense, considering the Noah Group would have hightailed it out ofthe state as soon as possible. Spencer was trying to locate thetracker he’d placed on John, but so far, he’d come up empty. Eitherit had been damaged or was being jammed by something.
They weren’t even sure which divisionof the Noah Group was responsible for taking John or how they’dmanaged to get into Marshall without being seen. Was somebody inMarshall involved somehow?
Everybody was on high alert. The statepolice were now involved along with the FBI, as every road,railway, and airport leaving Texas was being watched. However, noone could find a sign of John, and the longer it took, the moreinsane the ideas floating through Stryker’s mind.
Gator had arrived hours earlier to theunexpected news while he was on a plane flying to NorthCarolina.
“They won’t hurt him. Theyneed him,” Gator said as he came to sit in the living room whereStryker was pacing like a caged animal. He needed to do something,to be out there searching, not waiting here waiting for shit tohappen.
“The blood they found inthe shop contradicts the statement,” Stryker said.
“I know, but it wasn’t alot of blood, just a few drops. I’m going with the belief he isn’tseverely injured.”
“I know you’re trying tomake me feel better. It’s admirable, but nothing in this world willmake me feel better until I have him back.”
“I understand. If you needanything, I’m here.”
“Thanks. ’Preciatethat.”
“We have action down atthe facility,” Fletcher announced from the dining room table. Hewas watching the screens they’d set up with direct feeds to camerassurrounding the area of the facility. They also had camerassurrounding the shop and the warehouse, as well as John’sapartment. But the opposition was clever—they must have had somesoftware that rendered them useless. The feeds were empty, onlystatic left to watch after the initial sighting.
“What have you got?” Brickasked, looking tired. He’d been on the phone for the last fewhours, calling reinforcements and organizing searches.
“Wait, I also have actionon John’s tracker,” Spencer announced out of nowhere, gainingeveryone’s attention.
“Where is he?” Strykerdemanded.
“This can’t be right,”Spencer said. “It’s showing he’s only a couple of miles away fromhere. That means they must have flown him in. It’s too far todrive.”
“What?” Strykerasked.
“There’s a delivery truckpulling up to the facility,” Fletcher announced.
“I want eyes on what’s inthat truck,” Brick ordered.
Fletcher hit a few buttons and zoomedin on the back of the vehicle. The sliding door opened, and threemen with automatic rifles jumped out first, followed by people inhandcuffs with black hoods over their heads.
“Shit, it looks likethey’ve found some of the test subjects,” Fletcherstated.
Spencer walked over and looked at thescreen. “Not just some test subjects; one of those isJohn.”
Stryker saw red and went for thedoor.
“Halt, Lieutenant.”Brick’s voice was like steel.
Everything inside Stryker’s bodywanted to rebel against his commanding officer, but years oftraining won out, and he froze to the spot.
“We will get John back,but if you go running in there now like this, you’re only going toget people killed, and one of those people could be John. We needto plan an incursion to free the hostages and take down thefacility.”