Page 49 of Stryker

“Hey, Stryker, you here topick up your order?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, but I’m in nohurry. Got nothing to race back to the lake house for.”

“John at work?” Kyleasked.

“Yep, he went in withJason today. I won’t see him until supper.”

Shaw’s eyebrows raised. “You let himgo off without you?”

“It wasn’t bychoice.”

“Good for him. John cantake care of himself. We’ve trained him in what to do if he’sapproached, and Jason’s with him, so he should be okay.”

“Yeah, yeah, so I’m told,”Stryker grumbled. “Anyway, how’s Freddie doing learning how toride?”

“He’s doing well,” Kylesaid.

Bryan was in the ring with Freddie,and Stryker watched as he helped guide the pony around the ring.Laughter caught his attention, and he turned to look toward Harrisand Woodley, standing a couple of feet away. They lookedchummy.

“So, what’s going onbetween those two?” Stryker asked Shaw and Kyle.

“We’re not sure just yet.Could be nothing, could be something, but they do seem to likehanging around with each other,” Shaw said.

“It could be that theyhave common ground, both being unwilling participants in the NoahProject experiments,” Kyle said.

“Yeah, could be,” Strykersaid as he turned his attention back to the ring.

Freddie had a smile on his face a milewide as he rode atop the pony. Stryker noticed a cat sunning itselfoff to the side on one of the posts. It wasn’t odd to see a barncat hanging around to keep the mouse population down, but when thepony got too close, the feline arched its back and hissed, sendingthe pony off in an unexpected gallop.


Stryker was up and over the railsalong with Shaw in an attempt to catch the spooked pony, but whenit turned around at the far corner of the ring, Freddie lost hisbalance and slid out of the saddle. Just as he was about to hit thedirt, Freddie’s body stopped moving, and he appeared just to befloating a few inches off the ground.

Stryker had heard about Harris’s andhis sister’s telekinetic abilities, but Jennifer was nowhere insight. When Stryker looked back at Harris, he could see the manstruggling with his arms outstretched as if holding the young boyaloft. Slowly, Harris lowered Freddie to the ground beforecollapsing himself.

As Shaw and Bryan went to check onFreddie, Stryker ran over to see if Harris needed help. Woodleyknelt on the ground beside Harris, holding his hand and taking theman’s pulse. Harris looked unconscious, but within moments, hiseyes opened back up, and by the time Stryker made it to his side,Harris was attempting to sit up.

“Are you okay, man?”Stryker asked as he knelt beside him.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Itdrains me whenever I try doing that alone without mysister.”

“I wasn’t aware you coulddo it without her. I thought the two of you had to be touching foryou to be able to move things.”

“They’ve been practicingdoing a bit on their own just in case they’re not together and theability is needed,” Woodley answered on Harris’s behalf.

“Just like now whenFreddie was thrown from the saddle.”


“You sure you’re okay?”Woodley asked, still holding on to Harris’s hand.

“Yeah, just a bit drainedis all.”

“Harris, Harris, are youokay?” Freddie cried as he ran to the man’s side.

“All good, buddy. How areyou?”

“I’m good too. I didn’teven hit the ground hard, thanks to you. Thank you for stopping myfall.”