Page 47 of Stryker

“The doc said it will takea couple of months before your foot returns to normal.”

“Normal for me isrelative,” John said with his adorable, crooked smile. “I’ll settlefor being back in the shop working again.”

“We’ll get you back thereas soon as possible, I promise.”

“Good, now climb into bedhere with me and get some rest,” John said as he slid over to makeroom for him.

“I don’t want to hurtyou.” Jostling the bed could cause him pain.

“The only thing hurting meis being away from you, now get that gorgeous ass in here before Iget angry.”


“Yes.” John smiled again.“You won’t like me when I’m angry.”

Stryker couldn’t help but laugh at theold Bruce Banner line from the television show in the late’70s.

“How can I say no tothat,” Stryker teased before standing and carefully sliding intobed beside John.

John wasted no timecurling into his arms and laying his head on Stryker’s chest. Thefeeling of complete contentment washed over Stryker as he heldJohn, and he decided he probablycoulduse a catnap.

It had been one helluvaday.



Stryker was driving him up thewall.

It had been weeks since hiskidnapping, and Stryker’s protectiveness seemed to escalate withevery passing day. It was as if the longer the Noah Group took tomake another move, the more obsessed with his safety Strykerbecame. It was time to take a stand, whether the overbearing SEALliked it or not.

He glanced around the dining table ateveryone seated there and took a breath.

“I’m going to the shopwith Jason today,” he said as he grabbed his cane and headed forthe door. The cane was only temporary until his foot was fullyhealed.

“What?” Stryker stood upfrom the kitchen table.

“I said I’m catching aride with Jason to the shop,” John repeated.

The rest of the team in the kitchenwent silent, and Jason looked like a deer caught in the headlights.Poor guy was being thrown into the middle of this, but John wasdesperate. He’d apologize later.

“I’ll take you,” Strykerstated as he took a few steps from the table.

“I’ll be safe with Jason,he’s part of the team, and we’re both armed. I’m perfectly fine.You can take the day off.” It was Texas, after all; it was weirdwhen someone wasn’t carrying.

“I don’t need a day off,”Stryker argued, looking a bit frantic.

“I do,” John growled. Hehated having to do this, but enough was enough.

“What do you mean bythat?” Stryker asked.

“I’m sorry, babe, butyou’ve gone off the deep end when it comes to mysafety.”

“What’s wrong with wantingyou safe?”

“Nothing, but you’ve takenit to an extreme. I can’t even have a shower without you hoveringoutside the damn door.” He waved down at his body. “And I evenconsented to having a damn tracker put in my shoulder, so that Icould be found if anything happened again.” He glared at Spencer,who mouthed, “Sorry” but didn’t look sorry at all.

“I’m notthatbad,” Stryker said,looking around the room at his friends for backup.