Page 22 of Stryker

They sat in amicable silence as thegame continued. John didn’t know a whole lot about baseball, but hewasn’t a newbie either. It seemed like Stryker, though, was reallyinto the game—talking back to the TV and arguing with some of theumpire’s calls. It was great fun watching him be so animated,considering he was always such a stoic person.

“Why do they call youStryker?” John asked.

“Because I hit everythingI aim at,” Stryker answered without taking his eyes off thegame.

“Seriously? That has to bea talent.”

“It comes in handy on thebattlefield, that’s for sure.”

“I imagine it does. Has italways been that way?”

“I never really noticed itas a kid, but when I hit boot camp, and they began training us onhow to use a gun, it came up pretty fast. I’d hit the mark everytime.”

“I bet that caughtpeople’s attention.”

“Oh yeah, but Gunner’sbetter at longer distances than I am; that’s why he’s the teamsniper. Anything over a couple thousand yards is his area ofexpertise.”

“It’s cool how each of youhas your specialties. Things you’re good at.”

“It’s better to have awell-rounded team. Spencer can find and do anything with a computersystem. I can take out incoming hostiles without missing. Jason canfly almost anything; Gator is the explosive specialist. Fletcherhas the most stamina and can keep going when the rest of us canbarely move; Shaw has a knack for convincing people of things andgetting us into places. And Conor, well, you know about his gifts,and he’s become indispensable to the team. Brick is the man whoholds us all together and brings out the best in all of us. Withouthim, there’d be no team.”

Stryker spoke with such convictionthat John didn’t doubt his words. He reclined back to watch thegame. It was nice not being alone. Eventually, he supposed, thisarrangement would end, and he’d be on his own again. So he’d soakin as much companionship as possible.

A while later, Stryker turned to him.“Do you play the violin often?”

“Now and again. Not muchrecently with being so busy with the new store. Why?”

“I haven’t heard you playit since the Christmas party. I wondered when you’d ever playagain.”

John remembered that embarrassingmoment well, and Stryker must have sensed something wasoff.

“Are you still worriedabout having an asthma attack again? Does it happen often when youplay the violin?”

“No. Just that one time,”John said.

Yeah, the one time agorgeous, intense Navy SEAL was staring at me like he could read mysoul.

“Good, because you’reamazing. It would be a shame for you not to play.”

“I am?”

“Of course,” Stryker saidin surprise. “You don’t know that?”

“Elias asked me as afavor. He wanted it to be special for Fletcher’s engagement. Idon’t usually play in front of people.” His mother used to say hehad a gift, but after her death, he’d stopped playing foryears.

“Oh, that’s toobad.”

John had the distinct impression thatStryker was disappointed. He didn’t like that. He was finding hecared more and more about how the big guy felt.

“Would you like me to playfor you?”

Stryker’s eyes went wide. “Wouldyou?”


John stood and went to his bedroom.He’d be fine if he didn’t look at Stryker while he played. Hegrabbed his violin case and brought it out to the livingroom.

“Anything special you’dlike to hear?” John asked.