“You protectpeople.”
“I protect people I’mordered to protect.”
John was becoming even more confusedas the conversation continued. Did Stryker honestly not viewhimself as a hero?
Stryker sighed. “Look, I simply didwhat needed to be done. They damaged your property, and they neededto take responsibility. That’s all, nothing more. Is there anythingelse?”
John stood there dumbfounded but shookhis head. With a nod, Stryker walked away, leaving him even moreconfused. How could a man who spent his entire life protectingother people view himself as anything less than a hero? How could aman who’d endured pain and suffering to do what was right not seehis true worth?
John wasn’t sure, but he’d make damnsure Stryker knew his worth before he was done.
“I don’t foresee us beinggone over six days. The job should only take four at most plus alittle travel time,” Spence said from behind his laptop.
Conor nodded as he peeled an applewith his penknife. “Sounds ok to me.”
“Good. The sooner we getboots on the ground, the sooner this situation is under control,”Brick said.
They sat at the kitchen table in thelake house where Stryker had been staying in one of the sparebedrooms. Another job had come their way, and he and a few of theteam were working out the logistics. He heard the engine of amidsize truck and glanced out the window. “There’s a delivery truckpulling up.”
Out of the window, he saw Juliawalking down the path to accept the package.
Brick chuckled. “Probably yet anotherAmazon delivery. Boy, some people can shop.”
Stryker couldn’t remember the lasttime he’d bought anything online.
“How many men do we needto send on this one?” Spencer asked.
“I’d say three should doit,” Brick answered. “If things go sideways, we can send outreinforcements.”
“Shaw and Gunner just gotback from Arizona. I don’t imagine they’d be in any hurry to headout again so soon,” Stryker said before taking a swig of his blackcoffee. “I could go.”
Brick grinned. “Stickingaround?”
“Don’t get started withme.”
Brick laughed. “Okay, we’ll send you,with these other two.” He waved at Spence and Conor. “One of thesedays, you’ll tell me what mission you had to complete over thosemonths before you joined us here, Stryker.”
“Don’t count on it.”Stryker grinned, knowing he wouldn’t but wishing he could. Whathe’d done wasn’t under his control but had been thrust uponhim.
Brick looked at him hard.
Damn, the man sees toomuch.
“Got it,” Spenceagreed.
The front door opened, and Juliawalked in, white as a sheet, reading a letter, and carrying a box.Stryker saw her first and stood and met her in the kitchen, takingthe box out of her hands.
“What’s wrong?” heasked.
Chairs were pushed back at the table,and soon he was joined by his teammates, who looked as concerned ashe felt.
“Father Henry Jones isdead,” Julia answered with a catch in her voice.
Stryker looked down at thebox he held. It had Julia’s name and address on the front, alongwith the return address of theTorres Unitof the state pen over in Hondo.