Page 55 of Stryker

“Probably exactly what itsounds like, I’m sad to say. They’re probably out there right nowtrying to track down any of those who’ve gotten away,” Bricksaid.

“Including our friends andme,” Conor said.

“Yes,” Brick answered. “Wecan’t allow that to happen.”

“I wonder how many kidswere tossed into orphanages and put up for adoption when the Navyshut down the initial project, just like Conor was?” Gunner askedas he hugged Conor close.

“I don’t know,” Bricksaid. “But I am sure of one thing. We’ll need help with this caseand the overall mission ahead of us to end the Noah Project forgood and save the people involved.”

The team sat around the dining roomtable going over the images they managed to get of the interior ofthe building, each one lost in their thoughts as to what lay beforethem.

“We can only go one stepat a time,” Conor said. “If we try to see the big picture, we’llnever know where to begin. It’s obvious we have the Noah Group’sattention by that lovely gift they sent, so why haven’t theyattacked us head-on?”

“Maybe there aren’t asmany of them left as we think there is,” Stryker said. “Maybe thegroup is so splintered they operate in different factions from oneanother, each vying to take the lead.”

“That’s a realpossibility,” Spencer said. “Because if we look at how the grouphas behaved, there doesn’t seem to be one central command. Forexample, the compound in California had no record of the group inupstate New York or this group here in North Carolina.”

“You think they’refighting it out amongst each other now that Dr. Isabel Noah hasbeen taken out of the equation and, by all indications, Dr. Frausteis still in North Korea?” Shaw asked.

“That’s exactly what Ithink might be happening. Each division is trying to bulk up theirresearch and subjects to outdo a competing division and take overleading the Noah Group,” Spencer said.

“So, then it would be fairto say that these divisions are racing each other by hunting downthe missing subjects and stockpiling their strengths,” Strykerconcluded.

“How many divisions do youthink there are?” Conor asked.

“I’d say at least three sofar,” Brick answered. “The initial one in New York that began allof this with that missing person’s case we were sent on, the secondin California with the cult, and now the third here in NorthCarolina.”

“I wonder which divisionsent the bomb to the lake house?” Shaw asked.

“I’m thinking it wouldhave been the group in California, considering we took the cultdown and depleted a major source of laundering money for them,”Spencer answered.

“Yeah, that would haveruffled a few feathers,” Stryker said. “So as it stands now, thedivisions are hoarding their resources and hunting for any missing‘subjects’ they can use in their power play to take over as theleaders of the Noah Project.”

“Yep,” Brick said. “Whichmeans we’re going to have to take them out one division at atime.”

“Shit,” Shaw huffed. “Justwhen I thought there was one organization we needed to take down,they sprout arms and take off in multiple directions. How will weknow if we ever get them all?”

“I honestly don’t know,”Brick said. “I wish I did, but we can’t stop trying.”



On their nightly call, Stryker soundedweary.

“So, how are things goingat the shop?” Stryker asked. John heard the buzz of the other guystalking in the background.

“Good, busier than ever.Elias has one of the deputies here at all times, so you don’t needto worry. I’ve also been spending a lot of time out at the ranchand have been able to do some work out there.”

“I’ll try to do my bestnot to worry, but there’s no guarantee.”

“How is the investigationgoing?” John asked.

“More confusing all thetime,” Stryker answered. “There’s no doubt that a division of theNoah Group runs this facility, but now questions have been raisedas to whether or not the group is unified or torn off intosplintered factions or divisions.”

“That can make it evenmore difficult to shut them down.”

“True, but if we can getthe divisions working against each other, it might give us a chanceto take them all down. If they’re too busy with infighting, they’llnever see the attack coming.”