Page 48 of Stryker

Everyone looked down at the table,seemingly finding the surface irresistible all of asudden.

“Sorry, man, but John’sgot a point,” Brick said. “You’re acting like someone might jumpout from behind the damn furniture.”

“And I can see through thefurniture, and the walls, remember,” John added. “No one can sneakup on me.”

“Raymond did and look whathappened.” Stryker wasn’t letting this go.

“I admit that was myfault. I wasn’t taking all this seriously. I should have never goneback to my apartment alone. I’m much more aware of my surroundingsnow, and you and the team have spent countless hours teaching mehow to defend myself. I can do this, Stryker.”

Stryker opened his mouth but quicklyclosed it again when Brick coughed and not so discreetly shook hishead. Smart advice.

“I’ll be fine,” John saidbefore walking over and kissing Stryker. “Have a good day. I’ll seeyou at supper.”

Stryker deflated like a balloon.“Okay. See you then.”

John couldn’t help but kiss hisdejected boyfriend again before following Jason to his truck. Hetook a deep breath, knowing this was the first step in the rightdirection. Neither of them could live in a constant state of alert.It wasn’t healthy for either of them. If the Noah Group were goingto show up, nothing and no one would stop them, but John was moreprepared now than he’d ever been to defend himself. He wasready.



“Have I been that big of adick?”

“Yeah.” Fletcher chuckledbefore gulping his coffee.

“Thanks, asshole,” Strykergrumbled.

“Just telling you like itis, man.”

Stryker sat back down at the kitchentable, and Julia brought him a fresh cup of coffee.

“It’s okay, Stryker.You’re only trying to protect John. You love him,” she said.“You’ve prepared him to defend himself, and he’s ready to do that.Letting him go is the right thing to do.”

Stryker took the offered coffee; heknew she was right, but it was hard to shut off his need to protectthe man.

Gunner stood up from the table andheaded for the door.

“Where are you off to?”Brick asked with a smile on his face.

“I’ve got some shit totake care of. What of it?” Gunner chuckled.

“Wouldn’t have anything todo with a trip into Marshall, would it?” Brick asked.

“Now, would I do somethinglike that?” Gunner grinned and headed out the door.

It was good to havefriends.


“This fucking day couldn’tget any longer,” Stryker grumbled.

He’d been sent to the ranch on anerrand to pick up their monthly beef order. Yes, it was better thansitting around the lake house waiting for John to get back, but itstill sucked.

However, some good news came his waytoday: Raymond had been carted off to San Antonio to await histrial on kidnapping, breaking and entering, and assault charges. Hefelt a whole lot better without that psychotic asshole being in theMarshall jail.

When he pulled up to Bryan’s ranch,Shaw, Kyle, and his dog Gracie were standing outside one of therings, watching Freddie ride a pony. Woodley and Harris were thereas well. Woodley had been spending a great deal of time out at theranch of late.

When he exited his truck, he waved atthe group and went to the ring to say hello.