Stryker continued exploring John withhis hand but kept his exploration slower. The connection and thechemistry between them were hard to resist.
After a few moments, John murmured,“Now, where were we?”
“I’d say right abouthere.” Stryker chuckled as he kissed those tempting lipsagain.
John may have been smaller thanStryker, but he was toned, likely from all the work he did in hisshop hauling pieces of wood and furniture around. He hovered overthe top of him and began kissing his way down John’s body. Hekissed and licked his way across John’s chest, stopping first atone nipple, sucking and nibbling until John writhed on themattress, then he moved on to the second, giving it the sameattention.
John was panting, but it wasn’t thesame as when he was gasping for breath, so Stryker carried on. Hefollowed the treasure trail of hair down to the edge of John’sshorts, and when his lover made no move to stop him, Stryker slidhis fingers under the hem and slid them down and out of theway.
John’s groan when Stryker licked thehead of his cock was music to his ears. It drove him onward,wrapping his lips around the head and sliding John’s cock deep downhis throat, teasing the length with his tongue. John gasped and dughis fingers into Stryker’s short hair, his passion unescapable ashis moans got louder.
Stryker’s hard-on throbbed with everynoise John made until he was forced to take himself in hand andjack off as he sucked his lover’s beautiful cock.
“I’m going to blow,” Johnpanted.
Stryker doubled his efforts as John’ships thrust in desperation until he froze, and his cock explodedinto Stryker's waiting mouth. His own orgasm ripped through him andonto the sheets, momentarily zapping his strength as he collapsed,blanketing John with his body.
Heavy breathing filled the bedroom asboth fought to regain their composure.
“Did I take your breathaway?” he teased.
John laughed softly. “No. I’m good, Ithink.”
“You’re more than good,baby. You’re amazing.”
Stryker pulled himself back up the bedand took John into his arms. “You’re never getting rid of menow.”
“Good. You can stay rightwhere you are, Lieutenant.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“I don’t care what theodds are, I’m going to the shop opening,” John saiddefiantly.
“We don’t know if it’ssafe,” Stryker argued.
“Most of the team is goingto be there. I’ll be the safest I’ve been in years.”
“I know this is importantto you—”
“Important doesn’t evendescribe it properly. I’ve uprooted my entire life for this. I haveto be there.”
Stryker looked like he wanted to arguesome more but decided not to.
“I’ll be with you theentire time. You don’t go anywhere without one of the team orme.”
“I promise. I won’t goanywhere by myself,” John swore. “Who’s to say I’ll be safe withyou guys anyway? That bomb was meant for all of us.”
Surely Stryker couldn’t argue thatlogic?
His lover nodded reluctantly. “Westill haven’t figured out who sent it. We have two variables in themix now: someone who wants to blow us up and someone looking foryou from the Noah Project.”
“Did you ever think thatmaybe they’re both from the Noah Project?”
“Yes, we’ve discussed thatpossibility. The job in California couldn’t have gone unnoticed bythem. When we took down the cult that had been laundering money fortheir organization and freed three of their test subjects, I’m surewe ruffled a few feathers along the way.”