“That had to be so scary.What did they want?”
“After the first coupledays, they realized I wasn’t going to give them any information, soI was of no use to them other than for propaganda and a bargainingchip.”
“Propaganda?” Johnasked.
“Yeah, I don’t know if youremember at the time, they used to videotape executions, tortures,and questionings and then feed it out to the media loops as somesick sign of their superiority.”
A visible chill worked through John’sbody. “I remember hearing on the news about a service member’s bodybeing dragged around a town as people cheered. It’s so sick. Ican’t imagine the horror for that person’s family and anyoneelse.”
“Terror. That’s what theydeal in. They terrorize people by doing things like that andbombing innocent people so they feel unsafe anywhere. Anything theycan do to cause as much damage to not only physical structures butto the mental and emotional parts of the masses is fair game tothem.”
“It’s sick to think thatsomeone can do that to another human being. They used you for oneof those videos?”
Stryker could hear the slight wobblein John’s voice when he asked.
“Are you sure you want tohear this?”
“Only if you’re willing totell me.”
“Let’s just say they triedto break me. They wanted to show how weak we were. It didn’thappen. Broken bones heal, cuts and bruises heal, but if they canbreak your spirit, they’ve won, and they knew that. Once theypoured this liquid on my skin, it felt like thousands of fire antsbiting me over and over until I passed out. You may have noticed Idon’t have any chest hair. The hair grew back in patches afterward,so I shaved what little was left off.”
John ran the palm of his hand overStryker’s chest and abdomen, leaving a different kind of fire inhis wake, which was much more desirable.
“I’m sorry they did thosethings to you. It doesn’t sound strong enough for how I feel.”John's voice was deep and troubled.
Stryker reached for John’s hand andbrought it up to his lips before kissing the palm. “You had nothingto do with it. I knew the consequences of my duty. That was alifetime ago, and I’m at a place in my life where I can let it goand move on.”
“Yeah, and I’d like to bedoing that moving on with you by my side. If that sounds acceptableto you.”
John’s smile was instantaneous.“Highly acceptable, Lieutenant.”
Things were looking up.
Stryker leaned down and kissed John’slips tentatively, testing the waters. When John dove in, Strykertook that as an all-clear and lengthened the kiss. John tasted ofcoffee and something sweet. He deepened the kiss to investigate.Strawberry, definitely strawberry; he remembered the bowl ofstrawberry ice cream John had brought into the bedroom earlier.Strawberry coffee. Stryker hadn’t known it until now, but itquickly became his favorite taste.
Stryker slowly pushed John back ontothe mattress to give himself full reign over John’s delectablebody. It was time to explore what he’d wanted for a while now.Without breaking the kiss, he ran the palm of his hand down John’schest and tight abs, eliciting a moan.
God, he was so responsive. John’sfingers dug harder into his back the more excited he became.Stryker didn’t want to push his luck and go too far, but by the wayJohn responded, he had the green light to explore at will, and hedefinitely wanted that.
Soon their bodies were pressed againstone another, and John’s hard-on rubbed on Stryker’s shorts,exciting him more at feeling how needy he was. When they finallycame up for air, John gasped for breath, and Stryker drewback.
“Oh shit, your breathing.I completely forgot about it.”
“It’s okay,” John saidafter a few more jagged breaths. “I think it’s more how turned on Iam rather than my stupid lungs. God, you’re so damnsexy.”
“Do you want me to slowdown?”Say no, say no.Stryker didn’t want to stop, but he would if John neededto.
“Not a chance; just giveme a minute to catch my breath.”
“Do you need yourinhaler?” Stryker scanned the bedside table.
“I’m good,” Johnconfirmed. “Really good.” His hands stroked Stryker’s backlanguorously.