Page 1 of Stryker




As the last strainsof “It’s a Wonderful Life” faded away, Stryker’s chest tightened atthe happiness the two men in front of him shared. He was a suckerfor a good wedding proposal although he’d never admit it—he had arep to protect—and his friends Elias and Fletcher deserved the bestout of life.

Even betterthough was the man standing in the room responsible for the music,his eyes closed as he made his violin sing.Stryker watched,frozen in place as the melody coiled around him, holding him in itsiron grip. The player’s skill and grace cast a spell on him, and hecouldn’t look away.

Under the colorful lights of theChristmas tree, in its new home at the lake house, their latestresident, John, played the instrument with his eyes closed. Themelody seemingly flowed from his soul. Stryker was left breathlessby the haunting sound. The look of contentment and joy on John’sface held Stryker stronger than any chain or rope used by hiscaptors all those years ago in Iraq. His nimble fingers appeared tofloat across the strings as his lithe body flowed gracefully to themusic he created so effortlessly. Hair the color of sand fell likea curtain across his strong jaw with every movement, and Stryker’sfingers itched to tuck the stray pieces behind John’sear.

The rest of the people in the lakehouse faded away until it seemed as if only the two of them wereleft standing under the bright star above.

John opened his eyes, and Stryker wasspellbound by their icy-blue depths. The connection between themwas disconcerting, something he couldn’t explain. Any thoughts he’dhad of cutting out of the party early were gone. Now, Strykerwanted to know more about the man.

As the music stopped, the roomreturned to reality, and Stryker came back to earth, aided no doubtby the hard clap on the back he’d received. He blinked, breakingthe spell, and turned to find his friend Julia beside him. She andthe Fire Lake SEAL team and their partners—the alphabet soupcomprising Brick, Roman, Fletcher, Elias, Shaw, Bryan, Kyle,Spence, Rick, Gunner, Jason, Conor, and Gator—were permanentresidents either at the lake house, or they lived close by. Others,Harris, Jennifer, Freddie, Julia, and Sammie, had found their wayinto this close-knit community.

Including him, a lost soul who’dfinally found a place to call home.

“Well?” sheasked.

“Well what?” He was stillhalf trapped by the haunting melodies.

She laughed. “Have you heard a wordI’ve said?”

Stryker turned back tolook at the tree, but John was gone. He scanned the room, but cameup empty.Where had the man gone so damnquickly?

Julia glanced over to where he wasstaring.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, no,” heconfessed.

Shit. I’ve never scaredoff a guy that fast before, he thought inamusement.Usually, they’d wait and get toknow what a heartless bastard I am before booking it for thenearest exit.



John’s heart raced as hesped toward the coat room for his jacket. The muscles around hisairway were already tensing, and his breath shortened.Shit. His chesttightened like a belt was around his rib cage, making it evenharder for him to take a deep breath. It would only get worse if hedidn’t find his inhaler. Wheezing and coughing would comenext.

He scrambled through the piles ofcoats and jackets, looking for a familiar dark blue one with itslifesaving device.

Damn, I’m a real mess ifthe admiring look of a handsome guy can do this to me.

“Where the fuck is it?” hesnarled, panic rearing its head.

“What are you lookingfor?” Jason asked as he walked into the room.

“My inhaler.”

“Shit. It’s in yourjacket.” Jason plucked one from the scattered pile. “Thisone?”

John nodded, not wasting what littleoxygen he had left on speaking. His fingers fumbled with thezippered pockets until Jason took the jacket out of his hands andundid the zipper, pulling out his inhaler.

He handed it to John, who, withshaking hands, lifted it to his mouth before pressing down thecanister to release the first of two puffs into his strugglinglungs. Within moments, the effects of the medication took hold andhis breathing became less labored.

Gator walked in and asked, “You okay,John? Want to go someplace quieter until you feelbetter?”

John nodded gratefully. Somewhereprivate was good, seeing as how he felt as if he’d made a totalfool of himself.