“It could be important.” I reach over and grab my phone. Valentin takes Anna, cradling her sleepy body in his arms, and paces back and forth at the foot of my bed, staring at her like she’s perfect.
Then I stare at the screen before answering. “I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Congratulations,” Arsen says. He sounds simultaneously older and lighter, like the last year has deeply aged him, but he’s finally free of all the binds that kept him trapped.
“How’d you hear?”
“Your mother posted like fifty times on Facebook.”
I roll my eyes. “I told her not to do that.”
“And yet.” Arsen laughs lightly. “How’s everything?”
“She’s doing great. Little baby Anna.”
“And the husband? Did he murder your doctor for seeing your private parts?”
I snort a laugh. “He made sure a woman would be delivering for me.” Valentin gives me a confused look and I wave him off. “How’s Baltimore?”
“Oh, you know. Still killing people I once thought of as family. But it’s dying down now.”
“I’m sorry about how it all shook out.”
“I know. It isn’t your fault though. If anything, I’m happy you talked me into it. This war’s been ugly, but at least it’s my war, right?”
“That’s one way of looking at it.”
There’s a short silence. Arsen and I have kept in touch, but we haven’t exactly been close. He was busy with his war, and I’ve been busy being pregnant. Now though, the world seems new and there’s so much possibility floating through the air.
“By the way, I got married a few days back.”
“It’s been a long time coming.”
“Congrats. Seriously. I’m happy for you. What’s her name?”
“Lena. You’ll meet her soon.”
“Is that Russian?”
He laughs loudly. “It most certainly is. But don’t worry. She’s not in the life.”
“Either way, that’s great.”
“Yeah. Right. Well, listen, I’m glad you’re doing okay. We’ll talk again soon.”
“Bye, Arsen.”
The line goes dead. I put the phone aside and find Valentin watching me with that serious, careful look he gets. “Should I be worried?” he asks.
I gesture for him to come over. He climbs into bed, but doesn’t relinquish the baby. I let him hold her as I lean against his shoulder.
“Arsen got married. I think the war’s winding down too.”
“That’s good, right?” He tilts his head, studying me, and I can tell he’s got hispakhanbrain working at the moment.
“You know what?” I smile and tilt my chin toward him. He comes and kisses me. “I don’t really care.”
“Yeah? Why not?”
“Because I have everything I want right here.” I wiggle my finger into Anna’s little belly and she beams at me.
Right before she starts screaming.
“Same,” Valentin says.