The light hitting the Range Rover in the window makes it look like someone’s in the back. Memories flood, reminding me of the best night I’ve ever spent in that car with a beautiful blonde woman in a fucking onesie.
I smile despite the ache in my chest.
God, I miss her.
As I think about her, I always do the same thing. I whip out my phone and text her.
Thinking of you.
My iPhone makesits usual wooshing noise as the text shoots off to Alyssa’s phone. I thought these texts would work for the first few weeks and I’d wear her down.
She ran.
Things got complicated, and she was hurting, and she did what she does when she’s hurting.
I went through endless weeks of physical therapy, accompanied by doctor’s visits and rehabilitation appointments, after all the doctors finally deemed it safe enough to wake me from the medical coma.
Slate quickly retaliated and dealt with Don Romano to get both families to agree on a ceasefire.
The docks are now shut down and off limits, other than to Ricci family members, but that hasn’t stopped the influx of abductions happening nightly, sometimes right in our territory.
We have men stationed all over our areas, waiting to catch whoever is taking these girls. Last week, an eighteen-year-old girl was walking back from her grandma’s house to go home, and vanished.
Whoever it is, they’re not being picky on who they snatch. Likely, it’s someone selling girls based on their looks, which isn’t uncommon in trafficking rings.
I watch the message for the longest time, praying that this is the time she answers. The tag below the message saysdelivered,so at least I know she hasn’t blocked me. There’s still hope.
At least, that’s what I let myself believe.
My feelings for her are still overwhelming most days, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over her.
Even though she chose to leave, unlike Anna, I can’t let it rest.
I love her.
I sigh, pocketing my phone and shoving it back as I head toward the car.
I open the door and slide back into the passenger seat, staring off through the windshield as ringing silence greets me.
“You know where she is. Go get her ass and drag her back.”
I fight a smile. “What good would that do, Lorenzo?” I turn toward him, catching the tail end of his shrug.
“I don’t know. I mean, Slate kept Brynne hostage there for a bit; look how that turned out.”
I can’t help the laugh that slips free. “That’s an entirely different situation. Brynne shot Slate if you remember correctly. She wasn’t afraid of him, nor the feelings that could come because of him. Alyssa is scared. Fear only heightens when someone’s pushed beyond their limits. She needs time.”
“It’s been six months, Dante.”
“I know.”
Fuck, for a girl like her, I don’t know that she doesn’t need a lifetime to get over the shit she’s hanging onto.
My phone rings after a moment of silence, causing me to jump.
“Hey, Boss,” I answer, mainly to let Lorenzo know who’s on the phone.
“Hey. We’re headed to the hospital. I need you away from there and back at the offices. Can you do that?” Slate says breathlessly.