Page 44 of Filthy Ruck

Of course he made a booking for us before asking. Was he even really asking? What would he have done if I said no?

He was right though, I did say I liked food, and frankly I was too hungry to argue anyway. If three guys wanted to take me out, then who was I to stop them?

“Do it,” Storm told him.

Dallas gave him the side eye, but pulled out his phone and got to work updating the booking.

“Just out of curiosity…” Frost started.

“Bring it, but don't use it until I say so,” Storm replied.

It took me a moment to realise he was talking about whatever drug Frost slipped me.

A flutter of excitement travelled through me. The idea of all three of them taking me while I was helpless to fight them off was compelling as hell. On the other hand, I also liked to be an active participant in sex.

I'd wait and see what the night held.

“Consider it brought,” Frost said. He patted the pocket of his track pants.

“Did I mention how fucked up that was?” Dallas asked.

“Yeah, but on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like fucked up?” Frost asked him.

I picked up my bag and phone and laughed at the expression on Dallas' face. “He's got you there. I think we all might be a bit more fucked up than normal.”

“I know I am,” Storm said. “But I'd wear it on a T-shirt.” He held up his hands to make air quotes. “‘Fucked up as fuck.’”

“The club would love it if the paparazzi took photos of you with a shirt like that on it,” Frost said sarcastically. “Can you hear that?” He put a hand to his ear. “That's the sound of them tearing up his contract.”

“They'd tear up yours if they knew you were at Flirts,” Storm said dryly.

“They'd tear all of ours up,” Dallas said. His relaxed expression was replaced with worry.

“Then let's hope they don't find out,” Frost said. “Personally, I have no need to go there again. Not if Chelsea isn't working there anymore.”

“Me either.” Storm patted Dallas on the back of his shoulder. “Chill out, bro. Can we enjoy a night out?”

“Yeah,” Dallas said, not looking convinced. “I guess so.”

“And I know so,” Storm said. “My car is the biggest, I'll drive.” He glanced around as though expecting one of them to suggest he was overcompensating. He nodded in satisfaction when neither of them did.

I rolled my eyes at him. Men and their cocks. Lucky for all of us I enjoyed them so much. Otherwise, I might take myself out to dinner. I made a note to do that anyway. Or maybe get Sadie to come out with me. Now I'd have more time, there was no excuse not to spend more of it with her. Sisters before misters, and all that.

I wasn't the kind of girl who'd turn her back on her best friend just because I got the attention of a man, not even men like these. Sadie deserved better than that.

When I told her about them, she was going to lose her mind. Hopefully not like Ivy had but I doubted it. Sadie was too nice to be anything but supportive.

“I'll sit in the back with Chelsea,” Frost said. He favoured me with one of his best smiles. Dimples and all.

Dallas pressed his lips together, and for a moment I thought he might object. “Fine,” he said finally. “This time.”

I walked in the middle of them as we stepped out of the infirmary, towards the car park. Surrounded by all that muscle, I couldn't help but feel a little bit spoiled. If Ivy could see me now, she'd be ready to spit rocks.

We headed through the darkened car park, over to Storm's SUV. He pressed on the fob to unlock it and we climbed in.

Frost looked back over his shoulder as he closed the door and clicked his seatbelt.

“What is it?” I peered through the rear window, trying to figure out what caught his eye.