Page 2 of Filthy Ruck

“Let me touch them!” A guy who couldn't have been more than about twenty placed his hands on the stage near my feet and started to climb up. The bouncers were there immediately, pulling him off and hauling him towards the door. Divina was tight with money, but she looked after her dancers. No one would touch us without our permission. Not for lack of trying. There was at least one every night.

The guy in the middle of the audience smirked as the younger man was tossed out. I couldn't make out the colour of his eyes,but he locked them on me and nodded, giving me permission to continue.

I gave him a dazzling smile in return.

I spun around the pole a few more times before holding on with my hands and spreading my legs wide, straight out to either side. As I turned slowly, the audience would get an eyeful of the gusset of my G string.

The shouting continued, the whistling amped up double.

I slid around the pole like a serpent before hooking my thumb around the waistband of my G-string. I pushed one side down a little, then the other side. Only a centimetre or so at first.

Stepping away from the pole, I turned my back on the audience and leaned over to look at them between my legs, giving them a good look of my perfectly rounded ass.

Mr Front Row's eyes were still on me. I didn't think he'd blinked since I stepped foot on stage. With any luck, he had the tips to back it up. I could use a few extra dollars right now.

I straightened up and turned around, my eyes right on his face. I hooked the tips of my fingers into the top of my panties and pushed them down. I stopped for a moment to give him a secret smile. I was getting naked just for him. He and I were alone in the room. My body was all for him.

His visible swallow was all for me.

My panties dropped to the top of my stilettos. I raised one foot, then the other, stepping out of the black lace.

I licked my lips slowly and dropped into a crouch, letting him get an eyeful of my pussy.

He glanced down, eyebrow jerking up at the twinkle of my clit piercing before he looked back at my face.

I'd seen that exact look on the face of so many of my customers, but somehow it was more pronounced on his. Hunger. Need.

If I let him, he'd claim me right there on the stage in front of everyone. Make me his.

I didn't mind an audience, but Divina would have a coronary on the spot if we fucked on stage. The stage was for stripping. Teasing. The appetiser.

I rose to my feet, did another couple of turns on the pole before I headed backstage. Not before I stopped to blow the audience a kiss. And give Mr Front Row another lingering look.

“Girl, you were on fire tonight.” India Hartman-Green gave me a hug before stepping back to let me pull off my stilettos. The youngest of six children, she was outgoing, always smiling. She stripped for the pure fun of it, and because she was good at it. With golden blonde hair and striking blue eyes, she was always a favourite with the customers. Always laughing and flirting and having a good time. There wasn't a person at the club who didn't adore her, especially me. Her joy in life was infectious.

“You think so?” I asked. “I feel like I need to add something else to my act.”

“You don't need to add a thing.” She patted my shoulder. “You're perfect just the way you are. Don't overthink it, just enjoy yourself.”

“I can't help overthinking it,” I said dryly. “It's what I do. Chelsea Miller, overthinker.”

India giggled. “You're too cute. And so fucking hot. You had those guys out there drooling for you. You'll make a shit ton extra tonight.” She winked.

“Just warming them up for the main event,” I said. I pulled on clean underwear and a dress that was low-cut in the front and fell to mid thigh.

“Honey, we'reallthe main event.” She smiled and stepped out towards the stage, confidence oozing from every pore.

I fixed my hair and make-up and headed out to the bar. Flirts was a big place, with the stage and one bar at one end,and another bar with a quieter lounge at the other. It was to the quieter section I went, moving around the tables and smiling at the customers.

“Nice work tonight,” Gary, one of the bouncers, said as he shouldered his way past several customers. He was about seven feet tall and almost as wide, but he wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't provoke him or make trouble with one of the dancers. For someone who had seen my pussy more than most other guys, he was always respectful.

All pussies looked alike after a while, I supposed.

“Thanks,” I replied. “You too. Thanks for getting rid of that guy before he became a problem.”

Gary shrugged. “All part of the service.” He nodded before making his way back to the stage area.

“Hey.” A presence loomed beside my right elbow a moment before he spoke.