“She’s so cute,” I sigh.
“Her name is Skyla. Do I know you from somewhere, girl?”
“I don’t think so,” I frown. “But I swear I know you too.”
“Huh,” we say at the same time. We laugh, but not for long. Her heart is troubled just like mine.
“My name is Dee,” she says.
“I’m Trina.”
“Trina?Why is that familiar?” Dee shakes her head, sending her locs swinging back and forth. I’ve never been up close to locs before. I have to ask her how she does them.
“I must be imagining things,” Dee said. “I’m not from these parts and I haven’t had a clear thought in days. Anyway, where are you going in Tippalonga? As long as it’s not too far… I’m kind of in a hurry.”
I take a deep breath. “You can just drop me off at the jailhouse.”
“Yes, that’s where I’m going.”
“What a coincidence,” says Dee. “I’m headed there too.”
The first sensation is of cold concrete. The second is pain. Like iron nails driving through my skull. Barely, I’m still breathing. All systems failing. I couldn’t move an inch if I was on fire.
I struggle through the sludge of consciousness. I don’t know this place. Animal panic; instinct; suppress. Am I captured?Remain calm.Fading… I’m lying on the floor. Three strong walls. Bars break up the wall in front of me.
There’s an overwhelming odor of ass.
I’m in jail.
“Bear up, soldier,” comes a sardonic voice to my right.
English. Thank God.
I try to move, but it’s impossible.
After that ear-splitting roar is the sound of a metal clanging on metal. My cellmate is shaking the bars. Agony bursts through my skull and I make my first motion which is to curl up in a ball. I’ve never felt so shot, not even with a back full of shrapnel. My skull is on fire.
“HEY! He needs a doctor,” the voice hollers.
“No can do,” comes the answer. “You know the rules, Red. No doctors.”
“Motherfucker, he’s bleeding everywhere.”
“Well what do you want me to do about it?” the sullen voice complains. “Zip it, Red, before I get the cattle prod again.”
I dig my fingernails into the floor, the adrenaline rousing me. An old army trick. I dig until my fingertips are slick with blood and I feel my heart get to beating again. I make two fists and push myself upright, slowly, slowly….
Bright lights swim across my vision. My body is on fire. My head fucking hurts.