Page 43 of Small Town Hunter


I stare at the neat white letters printed over a picture of a calm lake. Well. I wasn’t expecting…that.

What’s crazy is I know the author. Joel Fraser runs a megachurch in Texas and he attends the Reverend’s service sometimes.

And I know whatcelibatemeans.

Cultivate discipline, raise your standards and avoid temptation: the modern man’s guide to spiritual freedom.


Intercourse is about the joy of procreation, a sacred act between man and woman. But in this age of self gratification and sin, many men are driven from the right path...

I skip ahead to the chapter titled AVOIDING TEMPTATION.

One of my clients was often away from home on business trips. During his stay in hotel rooms, he would frequent the pornography channels on the hotel TV all night long. Hotel rooms are indeed a place many feel comfortable exploring their darkest urges. Eventually, watching pornography was not enough. My client began hiring escorts, which led to his wife discovering his sex addiction. If he had merely controlled his urges and devoted the time to conscious prayer, he would still be happily married today.

I put the book back where I found it.

What does that mean? Well, it means Crash has given up intimate relations. Or he’sthinkingabout it. But why? He has awife.He doesn’t need to worry about sin, since intercourse within a marriage is perfectly good with God.

Jealousy clots up inside me. What abitch.Does she even love him? Is she denying him sex? Is that why he’s reading Fraser’s book? Because he’s starving for a woman? He doesn’t deserve that.

I find myself pulling out Crash’s bag again and rifling through the whole thing all over again. His clothes and birdseed and other random stuff spill all over the mattress. Maybe he hasa picture of her. Some other clue. Something. I’m shaking so hard I drop half the stuff on the floor.


I pull myself out of my anger, take a deep breath.

He who hurries in his footsteps, errs.

Clean up this mess and stop acting crazy.You don’t know this woman and you don’t know Crash.

Slowly I stuff the clothes back in the bag. What do I know about Crash? He might be a Catholic, an idol-worshipping heathen, but he is clearly a man of strong faith.

For a man to give up sex, it means a lot, since they are naturally driven to the temptation of carnal pleasure. And sacrifice is a holy act– that’s why Jesus died for our sins. Maybe Crash has given up pleasure to petition God for a special intervention.

Maybe I had him all wrong. He might be rude, but he’s an honorable man. The fact that he appeared at a most fortuitous time and saved me from marrying the Reverend just proves he was sent by God.

But if he’s faithfully married, why doesn’t he wear a wedding ring?It’s a mystery. And none of my business.

While putting everything back my gaze falls on the TV remote.

Outside, a car pulls into the parking lot. A bird sings. A plane flies overhead. I shudder.

He would frequent the pornography channels on the hotel TV all night long…

The door is locked.I shoved something under it, so even if he comes in with the key he’ll have to fight it open. I probably don’t have long until he comes back. I mean, I have no idea where Crash went, and even if he did take the car, this town isn’tthat big. He could be back any minute. But a minute is all I need. Right? Right.

I pick up the remote, literallyhearingmyself breathe out loud. I’m so nervous. Well, here goes nothing.


I slam down the OK button.


YES, I click, then fall back and cover my eyes.