Page 17 of The Divorce

Seth:I woke up like this.??

Me:That looks painful. You should get it looked at or rub some of last night's toxic waste on it.??

I replied before I zoomed into the picture when his message popped up to ruin my inspection.

Seth:You're the cause of it. I think you should come by and take care of it.??

It was a tempting booty call, and it didn’t matter that it was with my husband because it felt like the build-up to a dirty hookup.

I lay on my side and yanked my vest top down to get a clear shot of my cleavage. The picture looked okay, and there were no identifying features, not that Seth would share it with anyone. We had never done this before.

Me:That’s the only form of relief I can send you at the moment.

Seth:Pretty, but not a nipple in sight.??

Me:I’m too classy for a nip slip.

Seth:What if I paid you for your services? I’m a very wealthy man. You can look me up if you want.

I sat up to stare at my phone because that sounded like a hot fantasy.

Me:My prices aren't cheap like fuckboy’s, and I would expect a five-star hotel as a minimum requirement.

God, what was I doing?

I nervously waited for his reply.

What was taking him so long?

Then it dawned on me he was rubbing one out. I was about to reach for my vibrator when another message popped up.

Seth:Tonight at 8 pm. The Kensington Hotel. Meet me in the Knightsbridge Suite. A keycard will be at reception, and a car will pick you up.

Surprised at how quickly he arranged everything, I covered my mouth with my fingers. Last night made me sad being back home, but this was neutral territory, as I’d suggested a few weeks ago.

Me:I looked you up, and you have a wife.

I grinned at my phone.

Seth:Do you want me to bring her?

Me:No, three is a crowd. I only take cash, and it’s £20 per minute.

Seth: That isn't a problem.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I giggled at my ridiculous request and his response, but I felt excited at the same time. The thought of pretending to be a high-end prostitute for Seth made me reach for my vibrator. There was no way I could last until tonight.

Chapter 12


It was happening, but I never in a million years imagined that it would go down like this. The timing was perfect because Grant had moved into their apartment, and her birth control pills wouldn't work. She was almost at her most fertile period, but I didn't care because, judging by her reaction, she was as turned on by the idea as I was. I rubbed my beard and glanced at my watch.

7:57 pm.

She wasn't the type to chicken out and hadn't messaged to cancel our ‘appointment’. I got little work done at home, so I went into the office for a while, but that didn't distract me for long. It did give me peace of mind that Saul was doing an excellent job in my absence.