Page 25 of The Divorce

“Why are we so wet?” I asked beneath his hand.

“I believe that was you, my dear. You squirted all over us,” he said, moving his hand off my mouth as his eyes shone with pride while his tone was full of smug achievement.

“I’m reconsidering procreating with you,” I said with a raised eyebrow.

“Too late, baby. No, backsies,” he said before he kissed my nose. “Plus, you've not been on the pill since you moved into this apartment.”

I gaped at the ten-ton oaf who still lay on top of me in shock.

“Now, let's get you packed and show me your demands,” he said with a grin.

Chapter 18


Katya’s Divorce Dissolution Demands

1.One date night a week.??(Roleplay is essential - Payment is required for all prostitute/fuckboy scenarios).

2.Never miss a key family event. (Learn how to use a calendar).

3.One daily kiss,‘I love you’& a hug.??(A good example for our children).

“This is it? These three things?” I asked as I turned the sheet of paper over again to check that nothing was on the back.

“What can I say? I’m a simple woman,” she said with a smile.

God, I was such a damn fool. I could have lost this amazing woman. The requests were so simple. Had I loved her the way she deserved to be, she would never have needed to request these things from me.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away from her meagre demands.

“I will never let you down again, Kat,” I said.

She scoffed with a small smile.

“We will both let one another down at some point. Neither one of us is perfect. Our children won't be perfect, but with healthy routines and a house full of love—it’s a solid foundation,” she said as she closed the gap between us.

I held my wife and kissed her brow before hugging her tightly. My eyes fell to the sheet of paper in my hand. She was right, but I would make every conscious effort to know that I loved her every single day.

“I love you, Seth,” she said against my chest.

I closed my eyes and squeezed them shut as the intense waves of emotion rushed through me. It was the first time she had said those words to me in such a long time. I couldn't remember the last time she had uttered them.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out her wedding ring—which had never left me for weeks. I looked at the small metal band with the sparkling diamonds and remembered the first time I placed it on her finger.

When I pulled away from Kat, she looked up at me. I bent down on one knee.

“Katya Celeste Winthorpe, would you do the honour of remaining married to me?” I asked as I held her wedding ring up.

She pursed her lips together as tears trickled down her cheeks and nodded emphatically. With the same nerves as I had on our wedding day, I slipped the ring on her finger. It wasn't nervousness from the unknown this time. It was knowing how fragile relationships could be if they weren't nurtured. I held my wife’s hand against my cheek before I kissed her slender hand.

We could get past this.


“My wife would never leave me,” Saul said as he leaned back in his chair with a smug grin.